Viral conjunctivitis

At least once in my life I had to get sick with conjunctivitis. This unpleasant eye disease spares neither children nor adults. Viral conjunctivitis is one of the varieties of ophthalmic diseases, manifested most often. The symptoms of all forms of conjunctivitis are similar, but we will tell you how to recognize the viral inflammation and what to do with it.

The main symptoms of viral conjunctivitis

By itself conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the outer shell of the eye. The disease can appear for various reasons:

  1. The beginning of conjunctivitis can contribute to harmful bacteria that fall into the eye.
  2. Sometimes the disease manifests itself against the background of allergies.
  3. Very often, workers suffer from conjunctivitis. Due to constant contact with chemicals and harmful substances, the eyes become inflamed.
  4. Ordinarily, viral conjunctivitis develops in parallel with catarrhal diseases.

Infection with viral conjunctivitis can be after contact with a sick person - the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period of viral conjunctivitis lasts from four days to two weeks, after which it will be possible to notice the following symptoms of the disease:

  1. With conjunctivitis, the eyes very much itch, water and blush. Often the itching is accompanied by an unpleasant incision.
  2. The patient may feel that he has some foreign body in his eye. This sensation usually brings a lot of discomfort. A man rubs his eyes, which only aggravates his condition.
  3. Because of viral conjunctivitis, the eyes quickly get tired and do not tolerate light.
  4. When the form of the disease is started, the discharge may appear.
  5. Sometimes viral conjunctivitis is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Usually, soon after infection of one eye, the virus also moves to the second. And accordingly, the patient's problems are added.

How to treat viral conjunctivitis?

Each organism carries the disease in its own way, but it never fails to remain unnoticed. Timely treatment started basically ends successfully and takes a little time. If conjunctivitis is neglected, then it can develop into a chronic form - more unpleasant and worse to treat. Regardless of the nature of conjunctivitis, whether it is a viral, bacterial or allergic disease, treatment is directed at eliminating the cause.

To combat viral conjunctivitis use special interferon drops. In some cases, antiviral pills are additionally prescribed. To facilitate the patient's condition with viral conjunctivitis, drops, popularly called artificial tears, are used.

The most suitable means for treatment, of course, can be selected only by a specialist. The most popular eye drops look like this:

  1. Poludan - drops, perfectly suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis, provoked by the herpes virus.
  2. Ophthalmoron is an anti-inflammatory drug that supports immunity.
  3. Actipol is a very powerful tool. These drops effectively cure viral conjunctivitis and contribute to the recovery of tissues and mucous membranes.

Sometimes, in parallel with antiviral drops, antibacterial or hormonal agents are prescribed:

In fact, avoiding conjunctivitis is not difficult - just observe personal hygiene:

  1. Use only your own towels.
  2. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.
  3. Women are not recommended to use someone else's cosmetics.
  4. After a meeting with a sick person, it is best to drip your eyes with an antimicrobial agent.