Elevated white blood cell in smear

Leukocytes are cells of the human immune system, which are designed to protect the body from infections.

Elevated white blood cell count can be diagnosed if more than 15 units are visible in the field of vision. In this case, they say that the woman has inflammatory-infectious diseases. A large number of white blood cells in a vaginal smear testifies to an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system (bladder, kidney or female genital organs).

What do white cells mean in the smear?

Because leukocytes perform a protective function of the body, they can normally be contained in a small amount. However, if a woman has a bad smear, which results in high white blood cells, this may be the first sign of an inflammatory process in the vagina (vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, thrush, cervicitis, erosion, endometriosis). And the more the number of leukocytes, the more acute the disease.

Constantly elevated leukocytes in the smear: symptoms

Constantly elevated levels of white blood cells in the smear can be the result of an inflammatory disease of various etiologies, which is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

Why the leukocytes in the smear are increased: the causes

The following factors can provoke an increase in the number of white blood cells in the smear:

During pregnancy, there may be a slight increase in white blood cells in the smear, which is normal and does not require intervention from the physician. However, during the entire pregnancy, a woman needs to constantly monitor the level of leukocytes in order to avoid the presence of an inflammatory process, since this can make pregnancy difficult and safely with childbirth.

How to lower white blood cells in a smear?

To reduce the level of white blood cells in the smear, it is necessary to carry out a course of sanation to restore the microflora of the vagina. As medicinal herbs, you can use chamomile, aloe leaves, oak bark, nettle, red root, St. John's Wort. Douching with a solution of chlorophyllipt is possible. However, before applying this or that medicinal plant, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In addition to sanitation, you can make thermal baths with a water temperature of at least 45 degrees, since warming helps to successfully combat the inflammatory process.

The doctor can also prescribe special vaginal suppositories designed to reduce the number of leukocytes: hexicon, betadine, suppositories with pimafucine, nystatin, terzhinan, genizone, polyginac.

Thus, an elevated level of white blood cells in the smear testifies on the presence of a pathological inflammatory process in the vagina. However, before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the infectious process, as a result of which there is an increase in leukocytes in the smear. However, in any inflammatory process, the main task is to restore the microflora of female organs.

If the diagnosis of the increase in white blood cells in the smear does not carry out anti-inflammatory treatment, then in the future the inflammatory process can develop further and disrupt the functioning of the reproductive function in a woman (miscarriage, infertility, habitual miscarriage).