Prostatitis in dogs

Dog owners often face such a problem as inflammation of the prostate gland in males. In general, among the patients include all non-castrated dogs aged 10-12 years, less often from 5 years.

Signs of prostatitis in dogs are very similar to the symptoms of cystitis , which very often deceives many hosts. However, in addition there are several other symptoms of prostatitis in dogs. How to correctly recognize the disease and save the pet from an ailment, we'll tell you now.

Treatment of prostatitis in dogs

If any symptoms of prostate inflammation occur, do not self-medicate. If the disease worsens, the dog may suffer from incontinence or, on the contrary, urinary retention, bloody discharge appears from the urethra, the body temperature is elevated, the animal is in an oppressed state, so rather bring your pet to the veterinarian. Only a specialist will be able to give you precise recommendations on how to treat prostatitis in a dog after an accurate examination.

To begin with, the doctor prescribes therapeutic treatment, which consists in the removal of inflammation. The course of antibiotics lasting 7-12 days and complete rest of the animal is usually quite enough. Also, during an exacerbation of prostatitis in dogs, it will be superfluous to take painkillers, like trigan, spasmalgon or baralgina.

In addition, it is possible to conduct a pet course of taking antiandrogenic drugs that inhibit sexual activity during illness. For the treatment of older males, estrogen administration is prescribed for 2-3 months.

Castration refers to the cardinal methods of treatment of prostatitis in dogs. It is most acceptable if the dog is more than 5 years old. However, the most conservative method of eliminating the disease is surgical intervention. It is better to resort to such treatment if the dog is pedigreed and you want to preserve its reproductive function.