Rules of behavior in nature

The period from May to October is the time when all people aspire, spend as much time in nature, breathe fresh air and recruit healing sun energy for the coming winter. To do this, someone goes to their six hundred, someone goes fishing, someone goes for mushrooms and berries in the nearest forest, someone on the beach and on shish kebabs. But wherever a person goes, his direct duties include knowledge and the execution of strictly established rules of safety and rational behavior in nature. Otherwise, an irreparable misfortune can occur. So, as you understand, in our today's material we will talk about the correct behavior of children and adults in the bosom of nature.

Rules of safety and rational human behavior in the forest

Going to nature in the forest for mushrooms, berries or just for pleasant gatherings with a shish kebab and a bottle of beer in a good friendly company, one can not neglect the basic rules of human behavior in nature. Here is their short list:

  1. Clothes should be appropriate for the event. Remember that the forest is the habitat of mites, ants, snakes and other creeping and biting brothers of our smaller ones. So, clothes for visiting the forest should be appropriate, and shoes too. It will be best to wear a tracksuit and sneakers on a thick flat but not slippery sole. In any case, the trousers and sleeves of the jacket should not fit snugly against the body, so that in case of a bite, the insects or snake in the teeth of the animals turns out to be clothing matter, and not your arm or leg. Yes, and do not forget about the headdress.
  2. Do not tear at something that is not familiar with. Collecting mushrooms and berries, put in the basket only those gifts of nature in which are 100% sure. The collection of unfamiliar mushrooms and berries can result in a fatal outcome when they are consumed.
  3. Protect the environment. Resting in nature, remember that with your negligent behavior you can cause huge damage to the environment, after which it will be restored for several decades, and may not recover at all. Do not leave garbage after yourself, do not tear flowers and medicinal plants without measure and for only one fun, do not ruin anthills, cobwebs and nests of birds, observe safety rules when breeding a fire. In a word, take care of nature, and it will thank you for it.

Rules for active recreation and safe human behavior on the reservoir

Equally, and perhaps even more important, is observance of the rules of safe human behavior in nature while visiting the reservoir. After all, people do not have fish, do not have gills, and many people swim somehow. So firmly understand the list of these rules and strictly observe them:

  1. Not knowing the ford, do not climb into the water. This, perhaps, is the most important rule of behavior on the water.
  2. Do not swim where it's dirty. Even if the pond is familiar to you from childhood, and to this day the water in it was clean, do not bathe in suddenly turned muddy river. It is not known why she became such and what pathogenic microbes are found in her. Remember, it's much more difficult to get rid of water at once than from land-based ones.
  3. Drunk and the sea knee-deep. While relaxing on the beach, refrain from alcohol. First, so you can easily get a sunstroke. And secondly, drown. After all, alcohol drastically dulls attention, it's not without reason that they say that the drunk and the sea are knee-high.
  4. Do not swim for buoys! Remember, even if you are a seasoned swimmer, you can not sail away from the shore. Whether there is little that can happen in the water, catch your breath, reduce the muscles of the spasm, take your heart. Being away from the land, you can not shout to your comrades, and if you can, then where is the guarantee that they will be able to reach you in time. Well, if you do not know how to swim properly, hope for a circle or an air mattress, then you should not joke with water, life is more expensive. And if you still feel that the trouble is on the way, shout with all your might, call for help, discarding any embarrassment and hope that everything will somehow manage by itself.

Of course, only the most basic rules of safe behavior for children and adults in nature are presented here. But even with this small list, you will significantly protect yourself and your child, and resting in the forest or on the river will give you a lot of positive emotions. So remember this and do not break them.