True divination of love

Every girl at least once wondered about love , since this topic bothers almost everyone. But sometimes rituals more like a game and do not bring any result. Therefore, everyone wants to find a true divination of love, which would give an exact answer to the question of interest.

The most truthful divination of love

Many girls resort to various rituals to find out when they will meet their love or how to solve problems in a relationship. To date, one of the most popular options is guessing on tarot cards. Because of this ritual, you can find a way out of the difficult situation in the relationship.

"The Pyramid of Lovers"

In this fortune-telling, only the Major Arcana cards take part. Take 4 cards and lay them out as follows: 1 card at the bottom, 2 and 3 on a row higher and 4 even higher.

The meaning of the maps can be found here.

Interpretation of divination:

Map number 1 - tell about your feelings and emotions in the current relationship.

Card number 2 - tell about the partner, about his feelings, influence on you and behavior.

Card number 3 - will tell about the relationship as a whole and help to find a solution to the existing problem.

Card number 4 - will tell if your relationship has a future.

In addition, ancient truthful divination of love of a guy, for example, on a mirror, on a match, on a ring, etc., is very popular. All these rituals are filled with hidden mystery and magnetism. For example, the use of a mirror for a ritual is considered very dangerous, since it, according to many psychics, is a guide to the other world.

One of the popular girlish divination

You need to spend it on the night from Monday to Tuesday. For this ritual, you need a small sprig of spruce, which you need to put under the pillow and say the following words: "I lay down on Monday, put a spruce on the head, dream the one who thinks of me . " If you see a man in a dream, then he feels sympathy for you.

True gypsy fortune-telling for love

It has long been believed that it is gypsy fortune tellers who are the most truthful therefore they are very popular. It is very important during the rituals to be focused on the issue that you need to mentally ask. Gypsy women guess not only on the cards, but on the hand, wax, money, etc.

Fortune-telling on beans

To carry out this ritual, take a canvas bag and a handful of beans. Mentally and clearly ask the question that interests you, to which you can answer either "yes" or "no". After you put your hand in the bag, take out a handful of beans and put them on the table. If the number is even, then the answer is "yes", if not even "no".