Condensed milk is good and bad

Condensed milk is a sweet, delicious and loved by all children product. The composition of the condensed milk is quite simple - sugar and cow's milk. Recently, condensed milk began to be sold in a variety of containers: in tin cans of 400 g, in plastic and glass jars, in tubes and rigid bags.

Caloric content of condensed milk is very high - 320 kcal per 100 g of product. Thus in condensed milk contains 34% of protein.

Condensed milk is consumed as a separate sweet product, as well as added to pastries, tea and coffee .

Benefits of Condensed Milk

Condensed milk has all the useful qualities of cow's milk. If it is made qualitatively, the organism fully absorbs it and is enriched with the useful substances contained in it.

Calcium helps strengthen bones, nails and teeth, improves eyesight. In addition to calcium in condensed milk contains phosphorus salts, which are responsible for the activity of the brain and the restoration of blood.

Harm of condensed milk

Using the condensed milk it is important to remember the sense of proportion. Consuming more than 3 tablespoons a day can lead to the development of obesity, diabetes and caries.

Benefits and harms of condensed milk directly depend on the composition of this product. How not to be mistaken and choose a pleasant treat, not a dangerous fake? First of all, it is worth paying attention to the name. "Whole condensed milk with sugar" is the name for condensed milk according to GOST. Fat content of condensed milk should not be less than 8.5%. In the composition of condensed milk, only cow fats are allowed. It is worth to beware, if the composition of condensed milk includes palm fat - this product does not exactly contribute to your health. If, at the opening of the condensed milk, a heterogeneity of the structure was discovered-lumps, it is better to throw it away, it can be too dangerous for health.