Saline peeling of scalp at home

Every woman knows that the use of a mass of wax and styling products does not pass for hair for nothing. Hair becomes weaker, brittle, dull. This is due to the fact that on the surface of the scalp and in the structure of hair accumulate residues of substances that are part of these funds. As a result, the pores of the epidermis are clogged, the scalp breathes badly, and the roots of the hair lack oxygen and nutrients.

To avoid this, you need to regularly peel the scalp . At the same time, there is absolutely no need to contact a cosmetologist or buy an expensive drug in a store. Nothing better than the usual table salt, which every housewife has in the kitchen, has not yet been invented.

Salt Peeling Recipe

What salt to take - large or small, depends on the type of your skin and the goal that you want to achieve. For sensitive skin, it is better not to use large salt, as its particles are sharp enough and can injure delicate skin. If the scalp is very oily and the hair is thick, peeling will be more convenient than the salt of medium grind.

The easiest way to apply salt peeling is rubbing one or two handfuls of wet salt into the skin with your hands, light massage movements. Salt should be left on the head for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

For more convenient use of salt, it is advisable to bind it with some dense cosmetic means: a balm or a ready-made hair mask, shaving cream, sulsen paste. So the salt will act softer, and the mass will not flow out of the hands.

This peeling peels off the keratinized particles of the epidermis from the surface of the head and removes the remnants of hair products, and the massage provides increased local circulation.

For deep cleansing of the scalp for preventive purposes, it is enough to perform peeling once a week. If you need to cure abaissement, normalize the fat content of the skin, strengthen the follicles and stimulate hair growth, the procedure should be done 2 times a week for 1.5 months, and then take a break.

You can use any folk remedy based on salt: add it to sour cream, curdled milk, egg mass, coconut oil. If you like oils - basic and essential, you can enter them into the recipe and them, based on your personal preferences. But then the usual peeling turns into a mask for hair - with a moisturizing, nutritious, strengthening effect, depending on the added ingredients.

Do salt saline and warming masks in one day, as this effect will be too aggressive and can lead to skin damage. Do not abuse peelings and masks with salt to the owners of dry scalp.

Peeling with sea salt

Peeling with salt works well as a mechanical cleaning of the scalp. But to make the effect of this tool even more impressive, it does not hurt to use iodized salt. In an ideal - to replace a stone salt on a sea - the present storehouse of useful microcells: iodine, selenium, zinc, iron and many others. The richest mineral composition of salt, extracted from sea water, allows to solve many problems with the help of peeling besides cleaning:

Regular peeling with sea ​​salt makes the hair alive and shiny, compacts their structure, increases the density and length of the head of hear. Beautiful and healthy hair is the best decoration for any girl!