Treatment of intestines with herbs

The intestine is one of the parts of the purifying system of the human body. And violations in his work can cause not only the deterioration of the general condition, but also serious health problems. To restore the functions and treatment of inflammation of the intestine can help the grass, on the basis of which are prepared infusions and decoctions.

Herbs for colitis

To treat colitis bowel herbs we need a mixture of dried herbs taken in equal proportions of 1 tsp:

Herbs are poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted until completely cooled. This infusion is consumed throughout the day for 2-3 tablespoons per reception.

Not bad results in the treatment of colitis can be achieved by using propolis (as chewing gum) for a month. The daily rate is 8 grams.

Herbs for dysbiosis

In the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis , the use of herbs will be useful:

These herbs have anti-inflammatory and anti-pathogenic effect. When using these herbs, not only unpleasant symptoms (flatulence, bloating, upset of the stool) are removed for the treatment of the intestine, but pathogenic microorganisms are also suppressed.

To make a tasty infusion of a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 20-30 minutes. Drink the medication during the day between meals for half a glass.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Herbs that help in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation:

Seeds of plantain (30-40 grams) are soaked in a small amount of warm water for 30 minutes. Then eaten or added to food.

Herbs with IBS with diarrhea:

The grass is poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. It takes half a glass before or during meals.