Powdery mildew on roses

The queen of the garden - the rose - is not only a capricious and demanding to care person. A magnificent bush can overcome a variety of diseases . One of the most common and dangerous for the garden is powdery mildew on roses. This fungal disease is expressed by the appearance of a white-gray plaque on the trunk, shoots, thorns, leaves and even buds of the plant. Gradually the leaves dry out, they fall off, the flowers become shallow. The rose itself weakens, and under adverse conditions, its death is imminent. But we will tell you what to do with powdery mildew on roses and how to save your favorite flower.

Folk remedies for powdery mildew on roses

If your rose is affected to a lesser degree, you can cope with the disease with the help of folk remedies. However, in the beginning it is necessary to remove the damaged parts of the plant and burn them. Then spraying is carried out: before buds appear, during flowering and, of course, after it.

First of all, try the infusion of ash and mullein. It is prepared from 1 kg of mullein, 10 gallon buckets of water and 200 g of ash, insisted for a week, then applied as a spray of rose bushes and land around.

A good solution for powdery mildew on roses is also an ash solution. The proposed substance is prepared from 10 liters of water, in which 1 kg of ash is thoroughly mixed for half an hour. If desired, the ash solution can be mixed with 50 g of simple soap. Its bar should be rubbed on a large grater and dissolved.

Chemicals from powdery mildew on roses

With an average and strong degree of defeat, garden beauties will require the use of chemicals. Excellent help in the treatment of powdery mildew on roses will have a 1-3% solution of the Bordeaux mixture. They spray the bush from the top and bottom, and also process the trunks.

In the same way, use any of the tools listed below:

The last preparation is prepared from 15-20 g of copper sulfate, buckets of water, 50 g of soda ash and 200 soap.

In addition to the funds that can be found at home, we recommend you to try special preparations - fungicides. Their main purpose is the destruction of various viral diseases. For example, in the fight against powdery mildew on roses, such funds as "Fitosporin-M", "Bayleton", foundation stone, "Maxim", "Topsin-M" are coping well. And the rose is treated several times until the powdery mildew disappears completely. At the same time, many gardeners recommend changing the remedy to avoid getting used to the fungus.