Brunei Museum

The Brunei Museum is a national museum located in the capital of Brunei , Bandar Seri Begawan . Tourists who want to learn the fascinating and eventful history of the Asian country should definitely visit the national museum. The presented exposition acquaints visitors with the culture and customs of the country, as well as the development of industry, which played a key role in the history of Brunei.

Why visit a museum?

A small country with a rich history and luxurious nature for a long time was dependent on other more economically stable states. After the oil wealth collapsed on Brunei, the state became independent and managed to preserve its history. It was in the dawn of the oil industry that a museum was founded in which the most valuable exhibits were collected. It was decided to devote part of the exposition to the formation of the country's oil and gas industry. In addition, the permanent exhibitions of the museum include:

The museum stores items that any collector, for example, old daggers, would want to get into his collection. Also at permanent exhibitions you can see rare items raised from the bottom. Near the coast of Brunei there were many sea battles and shipwrecks. Thanks to sea expeditions, ancient and, in some cases, unique things, for example, ship's instruments, seamen's things, compasses, watches and antique cannons were raised from sunken ships.

Since 1969, the museum has published a magazine called "Brunei Museum Journal". On its pages the history of some subjects exhibited in the museum, the most interesting facts from the history of the country and much more are told. You can buy it in the museum itself.

The Brunei Museum is also interesting because it is next to it is the most valuable monument for Brunei's people - the Mausoleum of Sultan Bolkia, which was erected in the 15th century. The sultan's reign is celebrated as a period of the state's dawn. Interesting facts about the biography and political life Bolkia can also be found in the museum.

How to get there?

The museum is located in the eastern part of the city , on Jalan Sultan Sharif Ali. In this area there is no public transportation, so you can only get by taxi or during the excursion, as in this area there are many museums.