Septic shock

Severe infectious damage to the body leads to a violation of the blood supply of tissues, and as a consequence, to multi-organ failure. This condition characterizes a septic shock, considered one of the most dangerous complications of infection, as in more than 40% of cases it is fraught with a fatal outcome.

Septic shock and septic shock

The reaction of the immune system in response to infection with a microbial infection consists of a chain of consecutive clinical manifestations. Progression of the systemic inflammatory process provokes a disruption of almost all organs and tissues, prevents the access of blood and, accordingly, oxygen to them. The last signs of multi-organ failure and stable arterial hypotension are severe sepsis and infectious-toxic or septic shock. This syndrome is also characterized by severe dysfunction of all systems, the invasion of pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream and lymph.

Septic shock in gynecology

In this practice, pathology occurs in the following cases:

In future mothers, septic shock is quite often due to the fact that hormonal hemostasis (imbalance of gestagens and estrogens) and blood circulation in the uterus are changing. Moreover, there is allergization and hyperlipidemia.

When performing an abortion, blood clots, and even the residual parts of the fetal egg, are often left. They are a suitable nutrient medium for microorganisms, facilitating infection and invasion of bacteria into the bloodstream.

Treatment of septic shock

Despite the advances in medicine and the development of new antimicrobials, mortality due to the described condition is very high. Therefore, with septic shock, intensive therapy is required in a specialized inpatient department. The main principles of treatment are the following:

  1. Sanitation or removal of foci of infection by microorganisms, rinsing cavities, pumping pus.
  2. Introduction by intravenous or by infusion of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Preliminary, a blood test (bacterial culture) should be performed and the sensitivity of the pathogens to the selected medicines should be established.
  3. Replenishment of the total volume of circulating blood.
  4. Detoxification of the body, relief of the inflammatory process.
  5. Restoration of respiration with severe lung failure.
  6. Elimination of hemocoagulation.
  7. Normalization of water and electrolyte balance of lymph and blood.

The following medicines are used for the above procedures:

Vitaminotherapy and drugs with immunosuppressive action will be superfluous.

Emergency care for septic shock is to immediately call a medical team and ensure the patient is completely at rest without movement, especially if the condition in question is caused by an open infected wound, internal bleeding. To restore the water balance in the body, it is allowed to give the affected person warm boiled water without gas. If the body temperature is raised, cold compresses (sometimes ice) must be applied, and rubbing should be done. It is undesirable to take any medications, especially analgesics, anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics.