Frontitis - symptoms, treatment

Frontite is one of the types of sinusitis. It is a disease that affects the paranasal sinuses. Of all the varieties of this ailment, the front is the hardest. That is why it is extremely important to determine in time its symptoms, to distinguish acute frontitis and, of course, to know the bases of treatment of this disease.

The causes of the appearance of the frontitis

In medicine, the frontal is defined as the inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinus. The causes of the frontis is the curvature of the nasal septum, as well as injuries to the forehead and nose, which disrupt the air exchange between the sinuses and the oral cavity. But basically this ailment affects those who often suffer from acute respiratory infections or catch cold and do not cure. After all, the frontal-nasal canal is convoluted and narrow, and during infection the mucous nasal becomes inflamed and swollen, blocking it, which triggers an outflow disturbance and an environment occurs in which pathogenic bacteria multiply.

The main symptoms of the frontitis in adults and children are pain and a feeling of compression in the frontal sinuses, which are just behind the eyes. Also occurs:

Signs of the frontitis in adults and children always increase during sleep and when tilted down. This is what distinguishes this disease from sinusitis . In severe cases, an unpleasant odor from the mouth may appear, a decrease in the feelings of charm and taste, a sore throat.

If the symptoms of the frontitis are not recognized on time and do not begin treatment, then it can lead to inflammation of the meninges.

Treatment of the frontitis with antibiotics

After the appearance of the first signs for an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact an ENT doctor. To clarify the diagnosis for a chronic frontier, additional research methods, for example, sounding or radiography, can be used. At the first stages of the front, treatment with antibiotics is not carried out, such protozoan decongestants as Dexamethasone will help. It effectively reduces pressure in the sinus cavity and relieves inflammation. When the swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, it is necessary to drink a course of antihistamines.

If sinus frontal sinus is the result of infection, first of all it is necessary to get rid of the infection and only then to treat the inflammation. Conventional medications may be ineffective, so in this case it is better to drink antibiotics at the front.

With a deep-seated inflammatory process, when there are such consequences of a frontitis as a lesion of bone tissue, treatment should be surgical in nature:

How to treat the front with folk methods?

Frontite is dangerous for its complications and the sooner you start treatment, the faster you can easily breathe a full breast. To facilitate pressure in the frontal sinus at home, natural remedies are often used.

The most effective way is rice heating. It will require an ordinary sock filled with rice. It should be placed in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, and then put on the eyes and nose for 10-15 minutes. Heat will dilute thick mucus and relieve pain from pressure.

The use of an air humidifier is also considered an effective method of treating the frontitis. Being in a very humid environment ensures the excretion of phlegm from the sinus cavities. The main thing is, before treating the frontitis, consult a doctor, since self-diagnosed and incorrectly administered therapy can cause serious consequences.