Vomiting of bile

Usual vomiting sometimes does not cause any suspicion of a serious illness. As a rule, this can happen because of banal overeating, poisoning by poor-quality food. Also vomiting is one of the signs of pregnancy and many other innocuous causes. But, if it is a question of vomiting bile, it is worth considering about serious treatment.

Vomiting of bile - causes

You can endlessly talk about the types of causes that cause vomiting with bile. We list the main and most common types:

  1. Vomiting can be caused by intoxication of the body and reaction to various infections and diseases of the digestive system.
  2. The provoking factor may be the presence of pregnancy while vomiting comes from unpleasant and sharp odors, from certain foods and many other causes of toxicosis.
  3. Intestinal obstruction with Crohn's disease, with curvature of the intestines and infringement of the hernia.
  4. Also cause vomiting of bile in the morning neurological disorders and diseases of the nervous system. This is due to a sharp change in position and a violation of the coordination of the body.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder, intestines and liver cause such disorders quite often.

Treatment of vomiting with bile

With a single reduction of the stomach and diaphragm, vomiting is not necessary, because in this case the body independently "decides" how to be in this situation. If such temporary gag reflexes are repeated several times a month or a week, then you need to see a doctor, because this can be the first signal of a violation of healthy body work. In the event that vomiting occurs not only often, but also repeatedly, it is a sign of a serious illness and disruption of the work of certain organs of the digestive tract. To this number can be attributed a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems, so the examination and treatment should begin immediately.

How to stop vomiting of bile during poisoning?

To do this, you first need to allow the stomach to free itself from unnecessary food, that is, the one that provoked the vomiting reflexes. After two emptying, care should be taken. It is necessary to wash the stomach with warm boiled water, so that the patient drank at least a liter. The oral cavity can then be wiped with a solution of boric acid or manganese. You can also give a little cold water or even ice slices. For two or three hours, do not give the patient a meal, as this can provoke repeated vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting of bile often occur with an overdose of alcohol. In this case, it is also necessary to rinse the stomach with warm water, as indicated above. After this, several tablets of activated carbon can be given as additional protection and purification. With frequent vomiting, dehydration can occur, so a person needs to drink as much as possible. A mineral water without gases or slightly aerated water is suitable. When nausea and vomiting has stopped, allow the victim to fall asleep and try to relax. Already after complete sobering it is necessary to pass an analysis on the threat of development of pancreatitis or other dangerous diseases on the basis of severe intoxication and stress primarily of the liver.

Vomiting of bile and diarrhea

This phenomenon often occurs in diseases of the digestive tract. The organs of the digestive tract are first exposed to dangerous influences of poor-quality food or toxic substances. Therefore, with regular use of harmful products or excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine, serious disturbances in the functionality of the digestive system occur. In this case, the body, as a protest, displays vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and aching pain in the stomach. This is one of the signs that some GIT organs require help and effective treatment. In this case, you need hospitalization and direct examination with subsequent treatment.