A state of trance

The state of trance is usually associated with changes in the state of consciousness and mystical revelations. And in fact, about the battle trance, in the state of which a person ceases to value his life, shows extreme forms of aggressiveness and fearlessness know everything. But trance in psychology has three different meanings:

But most of all of all these species we are interested in a condition called everyday trance in psychology, during which we better rest, we get a better thinking process, making the mind open to inspiration. In some religions and in raja yoga, trance is used to achieve the necessary level of concentration, in this state people are visited by insights, fresh ideas, and the most refractory simply rest well.

How to enter the state of trance?

The state of trance is characterized by maximum relaxation of the body and concentration on thoughts. Ways how to enter the state of trance, all are different: someone resorts to the help of psychotropic substances, and someone resorts to improving self-control. Here we will turn to the last method.

  1. Try to relax. Take the most convenient position - sit in the lotus pose, lie on your back with legs and arms spread out, stretch yourself in the chair, no matter, most importantly, that you feel comfortable. Try not to fall asleep in this position.
  2. If relaxation is difficult, try to strain and relax your limbs consistently.
  3. For complete relaxation you need to try to disconnect from external stimuli - sounds, light and smells. If it's difficult, go to your room, close your eyes and wear headphones with relaxing music.
  4. Now you need to get rid of obsessive thoughts, imagine that you are surrounded by a cocoon of black velvet, and all the interfering ideas-meteors get stuck in this canopy.
  5. Realize that your body, your mind are in different planes, you can even draw a line between them, imagine that you are above your body.
  6. When bodily sensations and crazy thoughts stop disturbing you, you can focus on the main thing. At this moment, look for the answer to the question that is tormenting you, and it will definitely come.

If there are no urgent questions, the state of trance will help to relax, since this state is like a very deep sleep, during which the body is perfectly restored. The main rule - do not get out of trance jerk, wake up gradually. If you have faith in non-material essences (spirits, larvae), then on awakening make a gesture of cleansing from bad influences - swipe your hands along the body in the direction of "from yourself."