Sorbents - preparations

Sorbents are a group of drugs capable of selectively absorbing and removing from the gastrointestinal tract various harmful substances (slags, toxins, gases, salts of heavy metals, medicines, microorganisms, allergens, radioisotopes, surpluses of metabolic products, etc.).

Indications for the use of sorbents:

Types of sorbents

Sorption drugs, depending on the origin and mechanism of action, can be divided into species.

Ion exchange sorbents

Various resins of natural or synthetic origin, binding ions of toxins and forming with them new, harmless, compounds. Under the influence of these drugs, metabolic processes are activated, all systems and organs are functioning.

Carbon sorbents

The most popular sorbents, which are created on the basis of activated and granular coal, as well as carbon fiber materials. They act like a sponge: they absorb toxic substances, preventing their penetration into the blood.

Sorbents of natural origin

Natural sorbents, which adsorb harmful substances on their surface. These include:

Other sorbents

All other, less popular sorbents, each of which differently takes harmful substances out of the body. These include:

Sorbents for poisoning

More often sorbents accept at various kinds of poisonings: poisonings by chemical substances, foodstuff, medicines, an alcoholic intoxication etc. With alcohol or food poisoning, you can use absolutely any sorbent. In addition, all sorbents are interchangeable, so after applying to one drug, you can use another for the next procedure, if the first one is over. When food poisoning sorbents are usually taken before the absence of stool for 12 hours, and for alcoholic ones - until symptoms are eliminated.

List of sorbents

Medicines-sorbents are released in the form of tablets, granules, pastes, solutions, etc. Here is a list of the most popular sorbents and their brief description.


The active substance of this preparation is methylsilicic acid. The medicine is able to bind and remove toxins, pathogens, normalize digestion processes, improve the functioning of the liver, intestines and kidneys. The main indications for the use of the drug are:

This sorbent is considered one of the best in poisoning.

Activated carbon

A drug with a high sorption ability, adsorbing various toxic substances, drugs, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and glycosides. This sorbent is assigned when:


The drug, the active substance of which is lignin hydrolyzed. It removes bacteria and bacterial toxins, heavy metal salts, allergens, poisons, as well as an excess of certain bilirubin metabolism products, cholesterol, etc. Recommend Polyphepanum at:


A sorbent based on highly disperse silica, which removes allergens, microbial toxins, poisons, antigens, heavy metal salts, etc. Indications for its use are:


A preparation of natural origin, the main substance of which is dioctahedral smectite. It is prescribed for diarrhea of ​​various genesis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by dyspeptic manifestations, etc. The drug displays: