Chicken with potatoes in foil in the oven

Chicken with potatoes in foil in the oven is a dish that will fill your home with an incredible aroma and will turn out deliciously juicy. And thanks to foil, moisture does not evaporate from the meat and it does not dry. Try to cook this dish according to the recipes described below.

Chicken Recipe in foil with potatoes



Chicken drumsticks are rinsed with cold water, dried and we make small punctures in the meat. We put in them peeled garlic cloves and rub chicken with spices. The bulb is processed and shredded with thick rings. Potatoes are cleaned, washed and cut into strips. Cheese is crushed with a medium grater. Now take a rectangular sheet of foil and lay it on the table. We distribute all the ingredients on the surface with layers: onions, potatoes, chicken drumsticks and sprinkled with grated cheese. Carefully wrap everything, fix the edges and shift the workpiece to a baking tray. We send the chicken and potatoes in foil to a preheated oven and bake for about 60 minutes.

Chicken with potatoes in foil



We chicken the chicken and cut it into small pieces. We clean potatoes and cut them with a knife. Then rub the meat with spices and lightly brown on vegetable oil. We cover the foil with a sheet of foil, spread potatoes on it, then onion, chopped rings, and chicken. Sprinkle with seasonings, cover the top with a second sheet of foil, tear the edges and bake the dish for 60 minutes in a preheated oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Chicken with potatoes in the oven under the foil



Potatoes are cleaned, washed and sliced. Onions are processed and shred by thin semirings. Chicken legs are rinsed and dried on a paper towel. Form for baking grease with olive oil and spread the whole leg. Potatoes are mixed with onion and mayonnaise, and distribute this vegetable "pillow" over the meat. Water the dish with a few spoons of water, tightly close the form with foil and send the workpiece to a hot oven for 65 minutes. Then gently remove the foil and leave the food in the oven for a few more minutes.