Lack of magnesium in the body

The lack of magnesium (if it is not a congenital deficiency) can only mean negligence in relation to their diets , and, accordingly, to their health. Magnesium is practically in all foodstuffs, therefore "to win" the lack of magnesium in the body should not be difficult.

Causes of Deficit

There are two reasons for the lack of magnesium in the body:

In addition, the lack of magnesium can occur in pregnant women, since, when bearing the fetus, the need for this microelement increases.


For an adult, the need for magnesium is 350-400 mg, for pregnant women and athletes 450 mg.


Signs of a lack of magnesium in the body are very similar to the symptoms of deficiency of most other substances we need, so taking vitamin-mineral complexes and balanced nutrition is the best advice for those suffering:

And many other symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the body, because the body responds to the deficit the same way - takes the substance from the least significant places (hair, nails, bones) and transfers it to where the deficit is unacceptable (blood, hormones).

Products |

The highest content of magnesium in wheat bran and rye bread, beans, beans, rice, buckwheat, peanuts, almonds, cashews, and cheeses. If you decide to cope with vitamin deficiency with the help of dietary supplements - do not forget to take a preventive course every year.