Shroud before the eyes - the reasons

The veil before the eyes is a symptom of a number of diseases associated with impairment of the visual apparatus, as well as with malfunctions of the functioning of the nervous system. The veil in the eyes makes the vision vague, while the contours of objects lose their clarity, and the colors are perceived as less bright.

The causes of the appearance of the veil before the eyes

Blurred vision can occur periodically or be permanent. Consider the common causes of the appearance of shrouds on the eyes.

Development of cataracts

Cataract is associated with clouding the lens. The disease has a progressive nature. Vitamin complexes for the eyes (Katachrom, Quinaks, Taufon) are used as maintenance therapy, but you can restore your vision completely only with the help of the operation connected with the replacement of the lens.

Attack of glaucoma

A veil before the eyes and an intense headache, localized in the side of the lesion, are the main signs of glaucoma. Analgesics are prescribed for the patient, and diuretics for lowering the pressure. In the absence of the expected therapeutic effect, surgical intervention is recommended.

Retinal detachment

Veil, flare or spark in front of the eyes - a sign of detachment of the retina. Such symptoms should not be ignored, as exfoliated tissues die, and, having shown carelessness, one can forever lose sight.

Change in the patency of the vessels of the retina

Against the background of hypertension, atherosclerosis , dysfunction of the adrenal gland or diabetes mellitus develops a violation of patency of the vessels of the retina. With a high degree of damage, the patient may completely lose sight. Along with the treatment of the underlying disease, ophthalmic therapy is required under the supervision of a specialist.

Diseases of the cornea

A white veil before the eyes occurs in the case when the light rays do not enter the retina. This phenomenon is typical for diseases associated with inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye. Most often the symptom passes after some time, but with dystrophic changes in the eye tissues, the sensation of the shroud becomes permanent.

Vascular pathologies

In diseases associated with blood flow disorders (hypertension, hypotension, vascular angiospasm, vegetovascular dystonia), the veil before the eyes is a common symptom, along with a headache and a feeling of general malaise. The condition does not require specialized ophthalmic care.

Head injuries

As a result of a bruise or head injury with a concussion of the brain, blurred vision is observed. Perceived visual images lose their clarity. In this case, recommended bed rest and medications that promote the resorption of blood clots and the restoration of brain tissue.