How does persimmon grow?

Persimmon is a delicious fruit that many people like. Initially, it was grown in China, and then spread to Eurasia, America and Australia. Persimmon is grown in the CIS countries, mostly in the gardens of the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Krasnodar Territory, and Central Asia.

Do you want to know how the persimmon grows? Read about this in our article!

On which tree does the persimmon grow?

In the subtropics, a plant of the ebony family grows - the persimmon is ordinary. This deciduous tree grows up to 7-8 m in height and has a crown of the same diameter. Many are interested in the name of the tree on which such a delicious persimmon grows. Yes, so it is, in fact, called - a persimmon .

The leaves of this tree grow up to 4 cm in width and up to 7 - in length. They have an ovoid shape and a dark green color with a glossy sheen, but during growth the leaves are lighter, yellowish-green. In autumn the foliage turns yellow or red. Interestingly, from fresh or dried leaves of persimmons you can brew fragrant tea. And still massive in appearance the branches of this tree are in fact quite fragile and can be damaged by a strong wind.

Blooming persimmon imperceptibly, small tubular flowers, located in the axils of the leaves. Flowers can be male and female, and the persimmon tree itself, which is a dioecious culture, can have sex. However, it is quite permissible to have a blossoming bloom and even a change in belonging to a certain sex with the passage of time. Such an opportunity makes persimmon a very unusual tree.

As for fruits, their taste and appearance depend on the variety. On some trees grow fruits with astringent taste; their flesh becomes soft and jelly as it ripens. Other varieties are the same regardless of the degree of maturity, without having an astringent taste at all. Also, many varieties are parthenocarpic: the fruits they can grow without pollination, such a persimmon does not have seeds.

How does persimmon grow at home?

Decorate your garden with such an exotic plant, like a persimmon, you can by buying his seedling or growing yourself out of the bone. But persimmon is grown not only in the open ground, but also as a houseplant. A small tree in a tub can be put in a winter garden, on a loggia or in a spacious living room. At the same time, keep in mind that this culture is deciduous and dumps the leaves in autumn, leaving in a period of rest.

Bones selected for planting are soaked in manganese , stratified in the refrigerator for 1-2 months, and only then planted in the ground. It should consist of turf and humus mixed in equal quantities. There you can add charcoal, bone meal, sand. Do not forget to provide the plant with a layer of drainage. Persimmon will sprout faster if it is provided with heat. In addition, you can cover the container with seeds glass or film. Before the appearance of sprouts, the land is sprayed, and afterwards - watered regularly. Also, prepare to transplant the seedling, which will soon need a new, more spacious container. Despite rapid growth at first, a persimmon grown from seeds grows, as a rule, for a long time - such a tree will begin to bear fruit no earlier than 7-8 years later. But for this, it is desirable to plant the plant so that it does not grew up wild.

Persimmon is a light and moisture-loving plant. It should be in a bright sunny place, but direct rays should be avoided, especially while the tree is young. As for watering, water the plant every 7-10 days, and spray it better every day.

Both for indoor and garden persimmon trees, the question of crown formation is important. In the first case, this is done when the tree reaches 30-50 cm in height. Sprigs of persimmons are cut to stimulate the growth of new shoots, which are then shortened, creating a rounded crown. Persimmon garden cut every year, not allowing the tree to stretch, so it was easier to harvest.