Tablets from pressure - when and what drugs can you take?

The purchase of a tonometer and drugs on the list from a cardiologist until recently was considered the lot of pensioners. Now drugs to reduce blood pressure or pills, increasing pressure, are increasingly interested in freshly graduated university graduates.

Symptoms of high and low blood pressure

These problems rarely go unnoticed, but sometimes patients confuse the signs of high and low blood pressure, which is especially dangerous at the time of pre-hospital care. Both variants are characterized by headaches localized in the occipital part of the head. Another classic symptom is a decrease in the temperature of the limbs. Therefore, before taking the pill from the pressure suggested by a friend, you need to consult a doctor or at least use a tonometer .

Symptoms of hypertension

The value of more than 150/130 millimeters of mercury (adults / children) is considered high. In some cases, the problem is recognized only on the next inspection, but more often it is accompanied by the following signs of high blood pressure:

Symptoms of low blood pressure

Official medicine considers alarming indicators less than 100/60 millimeters of mercury, but some experts believe that some figures do not say anything. With good health, one should not think about hypotension, therefore, for taking a pill from a pressure, disturbing signs of low pressure are required:

Tablets for normalization of pressure

Drugs that regulate this indicator of health are classified according to the type of exposure. In each group, drugs differ in the strength of influence, so the pill that normalizes the pressure, can only prescribe a doctor. Another nuance that can cause surprise is the recommendation of not one tablet to reduce pressure, but a whole list. This is due to the need for an integrated approach for correct correction of the condition, so you can not scratch out any medicine yourself, violating the treatment plan.

High-pressure tablets

  1. Beta-adrenoblockers - Kon-Kor, Metoprolol, Egilok, Talinolol, Coriol, Acebutolol, Nebivolol. Reduce the strength and pulse rate, but are contraindicated in lung diseases.
  2. Calcium antagonists - Nifedepine, Cinnarizine, Stanlo, Kordafen, Verapamil, Isoptin, Nimotop, Corinfar, Amlodipine, Phenigidine. These tablets to relax pressure relax smooth muscles and coronary vessels, lower the heart rate and dilate the vessels of the brain.
  3. Myotropic antispasmodics - Papaverin, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Drotaverin, Dibazol, Galidor, Magnesium sulfate, Papazol. Also prevent the penetration of calcium into the cell, lower the pressure and relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Nitrates - Isoket, Nitroglycerin, Sustak, Erinit, Nitrogen, Perlingant, Sustonite, Nitrosorbide, Cardicet, Nitro-5. These drugs are prescribed for increased angina for the elimination of an attack of angina or after a heart attack, because they significantly reduce the tone of the veins and the activity of the heart.
  5. Alpha-blockers - Benzohexonium, Arfonade, Ebrantil, Fentolamine. They are powerful means for lowering blood pressure, but are not used for severe cardiac pathologies and glaucoma.
  6. Sympatholytics - Reserpine, Raunatin, Isobarin, Rausedil, Octadin, Adelfan, Rauvazan, Antipres. Accelerate the destruction of norepinephrine, removing the influence of the sympathetic nervous system. Do not use for ulcers and gastritis. Such tablets with hypertension in modern medical complexes are not used often.
  7. Diuretics - Lasix , Hypothiazide, Ureit, Furosemide, Trifas. Stimulate the excretion of fluid and sodium ions, which leads to a drop in blood pressure.
  8. Central alpha-stimulants - Methyldofa, Dopegit, Clonidine, Hemiton, Physiotens, Clofelin. Oppressive activity of the sympathetic nervous system is suppressed, but drowsiness and weakness appear. Recent studies have shown that long-term use of drugs of this group can become a provoker of Alzheimer's disease.
  9. ACE inhibitors - Renitek, Enam, Lizinopril, Kaptopres, Amripil, Captopril, Tritace, Enalapril, Enap. Reduce the production of angiotensin 2, are characterized by a mild effect and are more easily tolerated.
  10. Sartany - Lozal, Mikardis, Valsakor, Cardosal, Candesar. They act similarly to the drugs of the previous group, almost do not affect the performance of the heart.

Low-pressure tablets

Indicators below the norm also require correction, for this use means that improve the tone of peripheral vessels. Tablets for increasing pressure are divided into the following groups:

Tablets from pressure without side effects

Many of the medicines have a powerful effect on the body, not only eliminating the problem, but also hurting other systems. Drugs from pressure without side effects to medicine are still unknown, even uncontrolled intake of herbal decoctions can be harmful. The development of tablets with a minimum chance of undesirable effects is constantly under way, so modern medications to correct this index are more safe.

Drugs from the New Generation Pressure - List

The most modern means:

  1. Indapamide - a diuretic, removes sodium ions, reduces pressure, at the initial stage of hypertension is used in monotherapy, later it is supplemented by other drugs from pressure.
  2. Hydrochlorothiazite - the action is similar to the previous medicine.
  3. Ramipril - an ACE inhibitor, used to treat hypertension, heart attack and heart failure, reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus.
  4. Perindopril - prevents the production of angiotensin 2, has a vasodilator and diuretic effect, reduces blood pressure.
  5. Bisoprolol - beta-adrenoblocker, reduces the heart rate and heart burden, is prescribed in the treatment of hypertension.
  6. Carvedipol is a beta blocker , acts similarly to previous tablets against pressure and dilates the arteries.
  7. Felodipine - a blocker of calcium channels, dilates the arteries, reduces pressure and cardiac load, reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney problems.

How to normalize the pressure without medication?

Tips on how to normalize the pressure will be effective at the initial stage and help in the neglected case as an additional means. When hypotension is desirable:

The following measures are valid for hypertensive patients: