Breed of dogs

For a long time the best assistant of any hunter was a dog. This animal, like no other, knows how to take the trail of four-footed game in the forest and pursue it until it surrenders or ambush the hunters.

Hounds breeds of dogs were withdrawn many years ago, and today they serve as the best companions for their bipedal hosts during the hunt. There are several varieties of these amazingly strong and intelligent animals. More details about them you will find in our article.

Beagle breed of dogs

The most important qualities possessed by any dog ​​taken to the service of a catcher of animals are: endurance, perseverance, the ability to smell the game, find it and give a signal to bark, do not detach from its pack and listen to the host in everything.

Also, the hound breed of dogs differs indifference towards other pets. Such pets, as a rule, are very loyal, kind, protect relatives. But it is worthwhile for the dogs to be in the forest, the instinct of the tireless hunter awakens in them, pursuing his victim until she is utterly exhausted.

There are some differences of this breed. The closest to us: the hound , the greyhound and the Russian. Representatives of the first category were withdrawn many centuries ago in Europe. Even then the dogs of this breed had strong and strong legs to be able to quickly catch up with a hare running on the ground, a fox, a wolf, a deer, a goat, etc. The beagle breed of dogs has an acute scent, stronger than the human in millions of times, it is extremely hardy, it is best oriented in the forest or forest-steppe terrain. Unlike other brethren, the hounds run for their prey with continuous barking, at any time of the day. Even at night, having smelled the trail of the victim, the dog will chase her until he falls down himself or drives the game into a trap.

The breed of dogs hound hound has a "sprint" constitution of the body. Long-legged dogs are characterized by impulsiveness, fast running, especially at short distances, and sharp eyesight. Of all the persecuted victims, the greyhound always chooses the one that runs slower, and when meeting with the animal, behaves very aggressively.

The breed of dogs the Russian hound appeared hundreds of years ago, and over the course of time improved its hunting skills. The Russian hound has an incredibly sharp flair and amazing endurance. She can pursue her prey for a long time, trying not to lose track and bring the beast "under the gun". Well-built, muscular body, strong legs, cleverness, obedience master make these dogs real friends of man and faithful assistants in hunting.