Rain on the birthday is a sign

Signs and beliefs are very firmly embedded in our lives. We connect with them certain dates and significant events. And what can bring a rain on your birthday? What did our ancestors say about this? To the rain, especially after the dry summer, they cried with special reverence. This gift of nature brings with it vitality, nourishes all life. The prolonged absence of rain was perceived as a punishment from heaven. The harvest was dying, a hungry year was coming. Therefore, to the very phenomenon of nature - the rain - no one has ever experienced resentment.

A sign if it's raining on a birthday

The rain on the day of birth is a good sign . Of course, if it is not a question of cataclysms, a flood. Rain (water) also has a purely symbolic meaning. It is an act of purification, ablution, which is given to us from above. Therefore, a large number of rituals in ancient times was associated with the goal, to cause abundant long-awaited rain on the ground on the field. It was also believed that all important things are better to start with the onset of rain. It will bring good luck. If a child was born on a rainy day, then it was considered luck. The baby was predicted success , wealth, happiness, long life and good health. After all, all the possible evil spells from him have already been washed away by the rain. On any birthday, when it starts to drizzle or bad weather increases, you should gladly accept this gift, thank the sky and make the most cherished desires.

Other folk features associated with the rain on his birthday

A little rain on your birthday indicates that you are facing small everyday problems that you can easily deal with. It is enough to reach out of the window to get a few drops and easily shake them off, as if you shook your problems. Psychologically, this exercise is very helpful. If it's raining on the birthday and the sun is shining, then this indicates the best changes ahead, which will soon take place. Perhaps someone will be lucky enough to meet the love of all life. In heavy rain, one should not get upset. We need to take this rainy day as the starting point of a new life. Enough points are listed, related to the rain on the birthday, to understand how they improve, color our lives. It remains only to tune in to the positive.