The right elbow is scratched - a sign

In ancient times, people carefully followed the various changes that occurred with the body. They were given various mythological explanations, allowing to predict future events. Pay attention to signals that appear randomly and are short-lived, otherwise it may symbolize the presence of health problems.

The right elbow is scratched - a sign

If the itching of the skin appeared under the clothes, then you can soon expect to receive a valuable gift, which can be presented by a secret admirer. For a girl such a sign heralds a meeting with a rich man who can become a husband. For married ladies, the itch in this area portends a journey that will leave unpleasant sensations afterward. If the right elbow is itchy, then soon we should expect a pleasant surprise. When the itching arose after a slight bruise - it's a sign that at the moment a loved one thinks about you. If the right elbow was combed immediately after awakening, then the person from the nearest environment is making plans to cause harm.

We'll figure out what the elbow on the right hand is itching on Monday, such superstition is especially attractive for people who study, as it attracts luck . If the itching appeared on Tuesday is a negative sign, indicating problems with colleagues at work. Now we know what the right elbow looks like on Wednesday, this is a harbinger of a good rest in the circle of friends. A similar significance has a mark if itching appeared on Thursday. Another significance of superstition, explaining what itches to the right elbow on Friday is a harbinger of a cheerful and noisy party that will be visited on the weekend. Still it can prophesy a pleasant journey. It remains to find out what the right elbow is scratched on Sunday and on Saturday, so a sign says that soon relatives will ask for help. Do not deny them and every effort should be made to help.