Feeder from a plastic bottle

The long tradition of making bird feeders for the winter does not lose its relevance, but the feeders are significantly modernized. If earlier you could see only wooden houses in the trees, today you can see the troughs made of plastic bottles. The material is always at hand, and making feeders from bottles with their own hands will not be difficult. Let's consider some interesting variants.

Feeder from a bottle and spoons

  1. In order to make a simple and original feeder from a plastic bottle you need a bottle of 0.5 to 2 liters, two wooden spoons with long handles and a knife.
  2. Cut holes in the bottle in such a way that the spoons are located at a slight slope, but do not fall out. It is better to start with making all the marks and then proceed to cut out, because too large holes or holes in inappropriate places will pass unnecessarily many grains.
  3. We insert spoons, leaving on one side long roosts for birds, on the other "capacity", in which the food will be poured.
  4. After falling asleep, you can twist the lid, tie a rope to the bottle, hang it on a tree and wait for the winged guests to have a treat.

Feeder from a bottle and a plastic dish

  1. Another feeder from a plastic bottle will require for its manufacture, in addition to the bottle, a plastic cover from any container or plastic plate. It is here that the food will be delayed. First we drill a hole in a plate with a diameter equal to the diameter of the neck of the bottle.
  2. At the top of the bottle, we blow a few holes through the soldering iron, when we turn the bottle over, the seeds will be poured out through them.
  3. In the center of the bottom of the bottle, make a small hole, through which we pass the wire. Inside the bottle we make a knot to hold the wire, from the outside we wrap the wire in a loop, for which we will hang the feeder to the tree.
  4. We put the plastic container on the neck of the bottle, into the container itself we fall asleep the food and we twist the lid.
  5. Make sure that the plastic nozzle sits firmly, that the food easily wakes through the holes, and hangs the bird feeder from the bottle on the street.

Feeder from the five-liter bottle

  1. Now consider how to make a feeder from a large bottle, or rather from two bottles. A feeder from a 5L bottle can be an automatic design in which one vessel is filled with the contents of the other as it is being liberated. So, for work you need a five-liter and two-liter bottles, a knife and an adhesive tape.
  2. First, we cut the neck of the larger bottle. The hole should be a diameter so that the second bottle is placed in it. If you do not quite understand how much you need to cut off the top of a large bottle, it is better to gradually achieve the desired result than to immediately cut more than necessary. Also in the five-liter bottle we make windows through which birds will feed.
  3. When the hole and windows are ready, cut the bottom of a two-liter bottle, remove the lid from it and lower the neck into five liters. It is desirable that the bottle comes in tightly.
  4. If it was not possible to calculate correctly and the hole turned out slightly larger than it should be, the error can be corrected. In a two-liter bottle, we make small "jags" so that they do not let it pass on.
  5. We expect the arrangement of the parts in such a way that the neck of the smaller bottle is delayed in one centimeter from the bottom of the larger bottle.
  6. In a two-liter bottle, we fall asleep feeding food for birds and securely stick it on top with scotch, so that moisture does not get inside. Such a design is unlikely to hang over a rope or a hook, it is easier to attach it to a branch or a tree trunk with an adhesive tape.

Also for birds you can make real houses - birdhouses .