9 women before Megan Markle, who could not conquer the heart of Prince Harry

Many girls admit that they dream of marrying a prince, but this can only be done by units. Let's find out who had the chance to go to the crown with Prince Harry before he met Megan Markle.

The royal family is always under the scrutiny of journalists, so their personal life becomes public. The world was delighted to learn that at last the fan of noisy parties Prince Harry settled down and made his choice. Let's rewind the film a bit back and find out who could take the place of Megan Markle and become the princess of Britain.

1. Chelsea Davy

Relations with the daughter of a South African businessman were more like a roller coaster, because the lovers then converged, then parted. All this lasted from 2004 to 2009.

2. Caroline Flack

All secret sooner or later becomes apparent, which happened with the Prince's relations with the leading X-factor. Their relationship began in 2009, but when journalists learned about this, the couple decided to part ways.

3. Molly King

With the popular singer, the grandson of Elizabeth II met at the Polo Cup, where the prince was a player, and the girl participated in the support group. After that, lovers were seen together several times in clubs. Their mutual friends told us that the couple wanted to keep the relationship a secret.

4. Florence Bradnell-Bruce

The media in June 2011 blew up information that the Prince of Britain had an affair with a model of underwear. Unfortunately, for the girl, the relationship did not last long, because at that time, Harry had to focus on building a career in the army.

5. Cressida Bonas

Quite a long relationship was with Harry with an English actress, who is a granddaughter of Edward Curzon (the sixth Earl of Hau). The pair was together from May 2012 to 2014. The girl must have already seen herself as a princess, but it did not work out.

6. Cathy Cassidy

With a new passion, the prince was seen in America at the wedding of a mutual friend. They spent a lot of time together, and after they were photographed several times in restaurants. All this became an occasion for rumors about new relations of the heir to the throne. Their connection was short.

7. Camilla Tarlou

The ubiquitous paparazzi were able to capture the kisser with the prince's beauty queen in the summer of 2014. The relationship was discussed for a couple of months, but neither side confirmed the existence of this union.

8. Anastasia Guseva

In November the paparazzi filmed on a yacht in Abu Dhabi a loving prince with a new passion - another model of Russian origin. They happened to meet their eyes and after a few hours they already danced together and kissed passionately. This relationship is also not preserved for a long time.

9. Emma Watson

In the media and on the Internet in February 2015, actively spreading rumors about Harry's secret novel and actress, known for his role in Harry Potter. To stop the stream of rumors, Emma preferred to give a rebuttal on her Twitter squad, but, as you know, smoke without fire does not happen.

And what about Megan Markle?

If you did not already know, then with his future bride Prince met on a blind date, which he arranged friends. In June 2016, the pair began to meet, and on November 27, 2017, their engagement was officially announced, as indicated by a ring with three diamonds on the girl's finger. By the way, two precious stones were taken from the embellishments of Princess Diana. The wedding is scheduled for May 2018, see if their wedding triumph over the brother and Kate Middleton.

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