Mint liquor

Among all the tinctures made independently, the most popular is mint liqueur. Such a drink is very easy to prepare and not at all ashamed to put guests on the table. He will please not only women, but also men. Let's find out the recipe for mint liquor.

Mint liquor at home



Let's figure out how to make a mint liquor. At the bottom of the jar we put mint and pour vodka. Next, the container is tightly closed with a lid and insist for two weeks in a cool and dark place. The liquid should turn green during this time. A week later, we prepare the syrup from sugar and water. To do this, we dissolve the sugar in boiling water and cook the mixture on low heat for several minutes. Then the syrup is filtered and cooled to about room temperature. Next, we filter the vodka, so that it does not leave any mint leaves at all. Filter the drink through a sieve or several layers of gauze. At the very end, in the vodka, infused with mint, add sugar syrup and stir well. We insist a minty homemade liquor at least another month. At the end of the period, we pour the drink into glasses and enjoy its fragrant aroma and exquisite taste, or create interesting cocktails on its basis.

Cocktail with mint liqueur



In a glass we pour the cooled milk, and then gradually we pour first chocolate, and then mint liquor. All the ingredients are well mixed and decorate the drink on top of a small sheet of mint. That's all, a cocktail with liquor "Mint chocolate" is ready!

Cocktail "Mint breeze"



I like this cocktail most of all for women. It is made on the basis of mint liqueur and champagne. But before cooking, champagne is thoroughly cooled. The cocktail is prepared as follows: pour a mint liquor into the glass, and then add champagne , keeping the proportion of 2: 1. As a result, you should get a refreshing alcoholic beverage with a sweet mint scent and a pleasant sweet taste.

Now you have learned how to make a mint liquor at home and can gradually begin to collect all the necessary ingredients. Pay only close attention to the quality of the alcohol base, because alcohol or moonshine is better not to use it at all.