Thiogamma for the face

The drug Tiogamma belongs to the group of hypoglycemic agents, that is - lowering the level of glucose in the blood. It is prescribed for diabetic neuropathy and is released in the form of tablets, ampoules and solutions for droppers. The main active substance is alpha-lipoic acid, and for this reason, cosmetologists advise using Tiogamma for the face as a tonic.

Effects of alpha-lipoic acid

This substance is a powerful universal antioxidant that fights free radicals, slowing, and sometimes reversing the aging process. The acid is able to "work" in both water and fatty environments, which distinguishes it from other antioxidants (vitamin C and E, for example).

Tiogamma also helps with wrinkles because its main component interferes with the processes of glycation of collagen (gluing its fibers with saccharides and in particular - glucose, which stops the moisture retention in the cells, and the skin loses its elasticity). Alpha-lipoic acid does not allow the fiber to bind to the glucose cell and improves sugar metabolism.

Therapeutic effect

Extremely positively acting Tiogamma on the face also because alpha-lipoic acid promotes the rapid regeneration of cells and the generation of energy at the cellular level.

The substance gives wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and narrows the enlarged pores . Therefore, use of Tiogamma for the face, as experience shows, is also useful for young ladies, whose problem is not wrinkles, but acne or post-acne.

Method of application of Tiogamma

To wipe the face use thiogamma in the form of a solution for intravenous infusions (50 ml bottle, 1.2%) - the drug has already been diluted and can be used in its pure form. It is undesirable to use ampoules, because they produce a drug with a different concentration.

The preparation is treated with the skin in the morning and in the evening, as a usual lotion for 10 days or until full use. You can store the open vial for half a year in the refrigerator, but in a sunny place it is better not to leave the medicine.

It costs a solution of Tiogamma for a face of about 10 cu. Before use, consult a cosmetician who can prescribe additional medications: for example, an oil solution of retinol acetate 3.4%, which, in combination with alpha-lipoic acid, gives an even more tangible rejuvenating effect.