Signs of the New Year

Many on the eve of the main holiday in the year not only prepare delicacies and clean houses, but also try to carefully track all the signs of New Year's Eve, because you will meet the New Year, so you will spend it. Some people take it very seriously, and sometimes literally. In fact, New Year's customs, like all other traditions and signs, always have a definite and quite real basis.

How to spend the old year?

Before moving on to New Year's signs, let's take a little look at the wires of the outgoing year. Almost all specialists in bioenergetics, psychology, and Feng Shui experts recommend preparing for the New Year not only in the kitchen. They argue that it is not so important to have time to make all preparations for a meal, how to properly spend the old year.

A very simple and effective way to summarize the year is to write a list of two parts. Divide the piece of paper into two pieces. In one, write down everything you need and want to take with you in the new year, and in the second half, list all that should remain in the old year. You can write two squeaks from the positive moments of the outgoing year and negative ones. Thus, you summarize the year, mark your successes, recall all the moments that require work on the mistakes.

New Year's customs

Each country has its New Year signs and traditions. For example, in Scotland, everyone is eagerly awaiting who will be the first to enter the house on New Year's Eve. It is commonly believed that this way you can find out what the family is waiting for next year.

We also have our own signs for meeting the new year of the snake. Here are some of the most popular and interesting:

  1. Try to distribute all debts before the coming of the holiday and not to carry this load in the new year.
  2. It is considered that abundance on the table guarantees well-being in the family.
  3. Always at the table remember the leaving with gratitude and understanding. Never complain about problems, better give thanks for everything good, then in the new year the universe will be more supportive to you.
  4. It is believed that a letter or other news on January 1 brings good luck to the house.
  5. To strengthen relations in the family and to get close to your chosen one, immediately after the battle of the chimes, be sure to kiss him as tightly as possible.
  6. According to the signs, you can not sleep on New Year's Eve. Thus, you will spend all your luck and the year will be unproductive.
  7. If on January 1 you have had unusual or unforeseen events, they will accompany you all the time.
  8. To cry on New Year's Eve - to constant despondency and sadness.
  9. Never do heavy work on the first day of the new year, otherwise you will have to do it all the time.
  10. For a woman there is a small ritual, how to leave all the setbacks in the outgoing year. On the shoulders before 12 o'clock, put on a scarf or scarf. Immediately after the battle of the chimes, he should be thrown off his shoulders.
  11. Put a few large bills in your pocket so that they do not overdue for a year.
  12. There is such a sign: to celebrate a holiday in a new thing - to money.
  13. If you broke and broke something on a holiday, it's not good.
  14. Try to do a little ritual. In the refrigerator on the lower shelf, put a small red bag. In it, put three copper coins, be sure to bark upwards. This will help to bring stability and prosperity to the house.
  15. Many more advise immediately after the battle of the chimes to poke a trifle in your pocket. This ringing should attract wealth to the house.
  16. Under the battle of the chimes, be sure to make three wishes, according to the signs they will come true.
  17. If someone sneezes on the holiday day, it promises well-being and happiness in the house.