When to transplant room violets?

Like any other indoor flowers, room violets should change their place of residence from time to time. Timely transplantation helps domestic violets to improve, grow stronger and bloom for a long time. In order for the transplant to be given to the violets as easily as possible, it is very important to choose the right time for it. About when it is better to transplant room violets, you can learn from this article.

Transplanting room violets in the home

To improve your favorite violet, it must be transplanted at least once a year. The signal that it is time to do this can serve as the state of the earth in a flowerpot - it becomes covered with a whitish bloom as it is depleted, and the appearance of the plant - the bush becomes ugly, the leaves stretch out strongly, and the buds shrink with each passing time.

When all the signs unequivocally say that transplants can not be avoided, you should choose the right time for it. It is best to replant room violets in the spring, when enough sunlight gets into the room, and so the plant will be easier to settle down. But if the florist is able to provide the violet with additional lighting, then it can be replanted in the fall, and even in winter. Of course, it is not necessary without the urgent need to disturb the violets during flowering. But if the question is about the possible death of the whole plant, then you can sacrifice flowers, transplanting the violet by the method of transshipment.

Transplanting violets according to the lunar calendar

To violet successfully started and quickly went to grow it, like any other plants, it is necessary to transplant when the moon is in the growing phase. In this case, all the plant juices are directed upwards, and, therefore, any damage to its aboveground part can lead to the death of the plant. It is not necessary to plan a transplantation to a new moon or to the moon decreasing, as this can significantly slow down the process of rooting a violet in a new place.