Slavonic holidays

When people in almost all depend on weather changes, it is not surprising that most of their beliefs are also related to nature. The main reference points in the calendar of the Slavic holidays were the astronomical offensive of winter, summer and autumn with spring. The solstice and equinox were the most important events for the farmer. The arrival of Christianity in Russia led to strong changes in customs, much has disappeared from the memory of the people for ever, but some traces can still be found. Interest in the ancient Slavic holidays is growing again, and young people are again interested in the history of their ancestors. Those who understand that the complete loss of ancient knowledge are a disaster for the nation are right.

The main Slavic holidays

Winter Sunspot (December 21)

This holiday is also known as Kolyada and was always celebrated at the winter solstice, when the shortest day of the year came. The god of the newborn Sun needed to be worshiped and perform rituals with songs. People were already sure that even if the terrible frosty days were to continue, the whole luminary would shine with every day and summer would gradually come.

Christmas tree (December 21 - January 5)

The period when these winter Slavic pagan holidays passed, was the most optimal for mystical rituals. Therefore, it was on Christmas Eve that a huge number of various fortune-telling were performed. There were special conspiracies for beauty, for money, helping to recognize the beauties of the long-awaited spouse.

Shrovetide (the week before Lent)

Farewell to the winter in the people were arranged for Shrovetide , the time of which now strictly depends on Easter. This is further evidence of how the Slavic rituals have been smoothly transformed into Christian holidays. In the astronomical concept Maslenitsa falls on the last week of winter, and its date is completely connected with the movement of the luminary. Usually people made a great scarecrow, dressed up in women's clothes, symbolizing this funny character. The week was held in games, sledding, theatrical performances, fisticuffs, walking on a visit. The main attribute of the holiday are delicious pancakes, resembling the shape of the sun. The Scarecrow was waiting for the sad fate, he was solemnly burned, calling the arrival of spring songs.

Red Hill (March 21)

The next Slavic holidays in Russia were on the vernal equinox and symbolized the meeting of warm spring. As a Red Hill in each village a comfortable hill was chosen, according to the beliefs of the ancestors, the souls of the dead should be flocked. The Slavs believed that they were in the form of birds and therefore scattered here forage for birds. On the mountain set tables with food and feasts, so that the ancestors could feast with them on this holiday.

The week of the week (June 14-20)

This period is also great for fortune-telling, as well as winter Christmas trees. It was believed that the sky on this day is open, so you can get all the answers from the Forces of Nature to burning issues. Swim in the magical days dedicated to the goddesses of water bodies, was not recommended. Green Christmas tree lasts a week and ends with the summer solstice.

Kupala (June 21)

It was in this Slavic holiday that the famous bathing fortune-telling and bathing in the river were conducted. Young people jumped through the big bonfires and had fun in round dances, and girls for marriage were traditionally launching wreaths on the water, trying to find out the fate. Astronomical summer came.

Indian Summer (September 14-20)

In some villages in the Indian summer, funeral funerals of flies were arranged in coffins from pumpkins or expulsion from huts of cockroaches. After the end of the affliction, women were free to do more light agricultural work in the form of watering, heaving, drying, flax drying, cloth weaving. Young guys came to help in this work rural beauties. Women, thinking about the future daughter-in-law, arranged home feasts for young people, where the guy could look after himself for a narrowed.

The meeting of autumn (September 21)

For the harvest festival, it was necessary to bake cakes, so that next year was also successful. In the hut, the fire was necessarily renewed, first extinguishing the hearth, and then solemnly igniting a new flame. In the astronomical notion came autumn, and people with this Slavic holiday said goodbye to the warm summer. Traditionally, huge fires were lit on the nature, and round dances were held around them.