Phytomylacylate for weight loss

Fitomycil is a biologically active additive, which is usually prescribed for constipation. Some try to use phytomycil for weight loss, referring it to typical laxatives. Is it safe to lose weight on phytomycil, is the game worth the candle - we'll figure it out in today's article.


Slimming remedy phytomycil is sold as a powder in a sachet. In the composition you will not find any preservatives, no food additives, no flavors. Only the seeds of psyllium seeds and prunes. Both that, and another - dietary fibers, simply speaking - a fat, therefore, fitomitsil is a natural laxative.

Cellulose swells in the intestine and pushes out all the stool from there. In this case, the drug does not violate the intestinal microflora like a synthetic laxative, but on the contrary - it helps to assimilate nutrients from food.


Due to the promising composition, you are probably interested in how to take phytomycil for weight loss. In a day, you need to drink 2-4 portions of the drug. Dilute one sachet with water and drink before eating. It turns out a mucous liquid of brown color. This suspension will fill your stomach and allow you to eat fewer times. So it turns out that you will also be on a diet in addition.

Fitomycil can be replaced by a dinner, and after each intake, you also need to drink a glass of water.


Even the most natural preparations can cause harm to health. Contraindications to phytomycil include individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In addition, fitomycil is contraindicated in those women who are prone to seize problems. This is a mental disorder and dietary supplements will not help you. Fitomycil also does not help if you eat without appetite, just to do something and get distracted. With problems of this kind - to a psychologist.

Also, diet pills phytomycil can significantly harm the health of girls who already eat solid fiber: apples, lettuce, grapefruits, etc. The use of such a diet can lead not to losing weight, but to exhaustion. And here the question will be about preserving health under a dropper.

Side effects

Side effects of phytomycil are diarrhea, flatulence, bloating. In a word, everything that usually happens in the search for fiber. In the instruction this is called individual intolerance and if there are such symptoms as a rash, swollen skin should be addressed to an allergist.