Shrovetide - traditions and customs

The pancake week is associated with delicious homemade pancakes, winter wires and merry folk festivals. The festival "Shrovetide" has a long history and traditions. Carnival goes back to the time of paganism, when the Slavs worshiped the sun god - Yarila. At the end of winter, the sun began to warm up the earth more strongly and in gratitude for this the people baked to their god unleavened cakes. It was they who symbolized the sun. But the influence of the Orthodox Church over time changed the essence of the holiday somewhat. To date, the Shrovetide week is preparatory to the Great Post, which ends only with the onset of Easter .

Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa

Of course, the main tradition of the Shrovetide week is the preparation of pancakes . It was believed that with each pancake eaten, at this time, a person receives a piece of heat and sun light. Therefore, the happiest, according to the belief, was to be exactly the person who ate most pancakes.

In addition, no carnival can not do without folk festivals, and the folk traditions to each of the seven days of celebration appropriated a certain name and specific rules of conduct:

  1. Monday is called the "meeting" of carnival. On this day the children molded from the snow castles and slides, sentencing long sayings that were supposed to attract Shrovetide. And the adults from improvised funds built an effigy of Winter, which they drove through the yards on a sleigh. At the end of the day he was taken out of the outskirts and installed on a hill.
  2. Tuesday is called "flirting", because the young people got on that day new acquaintances, bride-maidens were arranged, and everyone was having fun and relaxing. On Tuesday, also mourners walked around the yards, who for a fee, in the form of pancakes, allowed to tie a ribbon to the broom. And along with this ribbon the mummers carried away from their homes all the ailments, life's misfortunes and misfortunes.
  3. Wednesday - "gourmet" - was different in that the mother-in-law had to invite his son-in-law to pancakes. Well, along with her son-in-law, she also regaled many other relatives and guests. And each mistress tried to somehow surprise the guests in a special way.
  4. On Thursday, the "wide" Maslenitsa began and it was called "binge" - the traditions and customs of this holiday forced to collect the richest tables and make merry parties. Braga, beer and wine were put on the table, and unnecessary things were taken to the effigy.
  5. Friday was called "nightmares". On this day it was the son-in-law who was to please the relatives of his wife in every way (especially the mother-in-law), but not only with pancakes and other treats, but also with respect and honor.
  6. On Saturday, on the contrary, the daughter-in-law tried to treat her husband's relatives (the so-called "zolovkin sitting" was called Saturday). Young housewives tried to cook all the best, so as not to be trapped in front of relatives.
  7. Sunday is called "wires" or "Forgiven by Sunday." This day completes the Shrovetide week. In the old days, believing Christians always visited the temple to worship holy relics or icons. And then we went to friends and acquaintances to ask them for forgiveness. There was one more interesting custom. On this day, people sent each other a screech. He was baked specially for this day in the form of a small rye bread, sprinkled with sugar, raisins and prunes.

Today, the tradition of celebrating Shrovetide is reduced to eating pancakes throughout the week, folk festivities and visiting the cemetery on a forgiven Sunday. On Sunday, most people also ask forgiveness from relatives and friends, and in the evening, as in the old days, a scarecrow of winter is burned on the square, which means a spring coming soon.