World Day of Patient

What, first of all, do we wish our relatives, relatives, acquaintances or just passers-by? Of course, health, because this is the most expensive in our lives, and what can not be bought for any money. Despite age, many people maintain good health with various folk methods, herbs, others do sports, others take vitamins , etc. All this in order to save your precious.

In our time there is even a celebration dedicated to this important part of our life, called World Health Day. People of the whole Earth celebrate it on April 7. But, not so long ago appeared absolutely opposite to him - the World Day of the patient. This is what we will talk about in our article.

World day of the patient - the history of the holiday

May 13, 1992 Pope John Paul II, now deceased, on his own initiative, established this date as a sick day. The Pontiff did it after in 1991 he learned about his illness - Parkinson's disease , and he was convinced of the bitter fate of the suffering people, unable to lead a full-fledged way of life.

Paul II composed a special message that determined the appointment of a new date in the international calendar. The first date of the celebration of the patient's day on February 11, 1993, is due to the fact that many centuries ago in the town of Ludra, people observed the phenomenon of Our Lady who healed the suffering, and since then all Catholics of the world consider him a sick man's day. The same date has survived to this day.

Also, the Pope noted that the holiday has a definite purpose. The document said that all doctors of the Christian trend, Catholic organizations, believers, all civil society, should realize how important it is to have a correct attitude towards sick people, to improve the quality of care for them and thereby to alleviate their suffering.

It was assumed that on this day people should remember Jesus, who provided mercy in times of his earthly life, helped people, healed their mental and physical ailments. Therefore, the World Day of the patient can be interpreted as a call to continue the activities of the Son of God and act in a similar way, helping patients free of charge.

Day of Patients

Nowadays, most countries of the world hold all kinds of actions, acts of charity, events dedicated to the prevention and treatment of diseases, promoting health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In Catholic churches you can observe solemn mass, believers remember the sick and suffering, express their condolences and provide moral support.

Unfortunately, in our time absolutely healthy people do not exist, every person, somehow, has some kind of ailment. Especially in the modern world, where ecology is extremely polluted, and high-quality natural products in the store simply can not be found. Therefore, until now the World Day of the patient has not outlived itself, but remains relevant. And it is very important not only to make joint efforts to improve the situation around the world, but also take proper measures regarding ourselves. If everyone will follow what he does, eats, drinks, says how he acts, helps the suffering people, then on our planet, the day of the sick person will end.

As long as there are sick people on Earth, remember about them, extend a helping hand, show attention and care, respect and love to your relatives, it's not so difficult. Nobody knows who and when the disease can take unawares, but we are all people, and therefore should by nature be merciful, sensitive and simply humane.