Slovenia - waterfalls

Slovenia is a country stretched in one of the most picturesque places in Europe. Nothing is comparable in picturesque for tourists coming to the country of Slovenia, waterfalls, which are a spectacular sight. A large number of these natural objects arose from the fact that from north to south the country extends from one mountain range to another, through which numerous rivers flow, creating waterfalls and cascades in the crevices.

Famous waterfalls of Slovenia

In Slovenia, several waterfalls, especially attract tourists, due to its picturesqueness. Among them, we can designate the following:

  1. The Savica waterfall is the most popular among tourists and the most famous not only in Slovenia, but also beyond its borders. It is a cascade of two waterfalls, the first of which is at altitude, almost 40 m above sea level. The second waterfall is located just below, at an altitude of 25 m above sea level. Both flow down the slope and form a mountain reservoir, covered by a dam. The passage to the waterfall is paid and is about two euros per person. Not far from the object there is a stone bridge, which also serves as a beautiful viewing platform.
  2. Kozyak Waterfall - it flows down into the cave and, as if surrounded by a rock, as an inverted bowl. On the way to the waterfall, you can endlessly admire the scenery, especially when crossing the rope bridge, thrown across the Sacha River. Around the wooded area, with small stone bridges.
  3. The waterfall Perichnik - on a par with Savica is one of the most recognizable objects, which represent the waterfalls of Slovenia, its photo can be seen on many guidebooks. Perinik comes down from the highest mountain of the Julian Alps, Triglav . It flows from the blue lakes down into the valley, surrounded by forests. The waterfall consists of two objects, the upper one has a height of 16 m and the lower one is as much as 52 m. Very often a bright rainbow is scattered over the Perichnik, and in winter the waterfall turns into a column of icicles of bright blue and green color. From this waterfall flows the river Bystrica.
  4. The waterfall of the Black Waters is a cascade of many low waterfalls that have their waters by ledges. The total length is the longest waterfall in Slovenia. This is the most picturesque place, especially in the spring, when the ice starts to melt and the waterfall becomes full, and flowers start to bloom along its banks and spread out the trees. This is a favorite place for tourists and photographers.