How to make noise insulation in an apartment?

In practice, it is proved that a constant stay in a room where the noise reaches 40 dB, provokes nervous disorders and worsens the work of the hearing aid. Many buildings can not boast of the necessary level of sound "protection", especially for panel houses , where the permissible level of 30 dB at night is clearly violated.

Materials for apartment soundproofing

From noisy neighbors you will not be saved by a thick wall carpet or thin layers of cork. As a sound-absorbing material, mineral wool, its derivatives, decorative panels are most often used. Good noise reflects the sheets of drywall.

Soundproof material should:

When noise insulation of an apartment, what material is better, it is difficult to say. A mineral wool works well, for example.

The order of installation works

With frameless fastening, the material is glued to the primed wall, then sutured with plasterboard, joints are sealed. Installation is extremely simple, but your efforts will reduce the noise level by only 12-15 dB, which is clearly not enough.

For noise isolation in the apartment with their own hands, mineral wool boards are most often used on the basis of the frame attachment method. Between the wall and the profiles should be a gap of at least 3-5 cm. Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to isolate all possible slots with cement mortar. Do not ignore the switches and through-out sockets: replace the boxes, seal the joints with mortar. For the best result, buy asbestos gaskets, put under the sockets.

  1. You need to start with the marking of the surface.
  2. Under the profile it is recommended to lay "cushioning" in the form of vibration-suppressing hardware.
  3. We begin installation of racks of a skeleton and directing profiles. The step of the pillars must not exceed 600 mm.
  4. When the frame is mounted, start laying the insulating material (mineral wool, glass wool) inward.
  5. The width of the plates is 610 mm, which allows filling the space of the frame without voids. Additional cutting along is not required.

  6. Advantage of mineral wool is its incombustibility, that is, you can lay the wiring directly in the thickness of the insulant itself. Make an incision in the place of passage and stretch the corrugation.
  7. If desired, you can use an additional thermal insulation film.
  8. The last step is the stitching of the wall with gypsum boards and the processing of seams.

What will be the final finish of the wall - you decide. In any case, the installation of noise insulation in the apartment - a reliable way to protect the room from unnecessary stimuli.