How correctly to drink tequila?

The world's most popular Mexican drink called tequila is produced by fermentation and distillation of the juice of the core of a tropical plant - the blue agave . Natural, original and high quality can be considered a drink, if the label contains the inscription "100% de agave" or "100% blue agave". The absence of this indicates that tequila is unnatural and produced by artificial means or by only adding agave juice.

How correctly to drink tequila at home with lime and salt?

Indisputable primacy consumers give the way of using tequila at a volley according to the scheme "lick-drink-bite". In this case, in addition to a glass with tequila, you will need salt and a slice (a quarter of the fruit) of lime. Before pouring into a glass, tequila should be slightly cooled in the refrigerator. The drink should be cool, but not icy. Fingers of one hand take a quarter of lime, and in the groove between the thumb and forefinger on the same hand we pour a pinch of salt. First, we lick the salt, then with the other hand we roll tequila out of the glass in our mouth, drink the drink and have a snack with lime juice.

Among the female audience, one of the variations of this method is popular, involving the use of ground cinnamon instead of salt, and instead of a quart of orange lime lime. Also, some lovers, mostly ladies, prefer to drink tequila somewhat differently. The rim of the glass for tequila is moistened with lemon juice and dipped in a bowl with salt, forming a kind of salted edge. After that pour the drink into a jar and serve with a slice of lime.

Analyzing this information, the question may arise: why do tequila drink with salt and lime? Everything is very simple. Salt neutralizes its specific taste and smell and together with lime juice allows you to maximize the delicate taste and emphasize all the best sides of a Mexican drink.

How do they drink tequila in Mexico?

Along with the above described method, in the homeland of tequila - in Mexico it is served, supplementing with a non-alcoholic cocktail - sangrita. For its preparation mix in arbitrary proportions tomato, lime and orange juice and season the composition with ground chilli. Very often, Mexicans combine both methods, using salt, often supplemented with chili, lime and sanguita. Initially, dip the lime in salt with pepper, bite off a little spicy fruit, drink tequila and wash down with acute sangrita.

How and with what do they drink and what do they eat chocolate tequila?

Recently, a new type of tequila with a chocolate taste is gaining momentum. During the production of the drink, a chocolate flavor is added, which radically changes its flavor and aroma. Such tequila does not have bitterness inherent in the classical version, very soft to taste, less strong and therefore can be fed independently without salt and lime with ice cubes. On the basis of such tequila do a lot of cocktails, linking it with milk, cream and various liquors.

For cocktails is used not only chocolate tequila, but also classical. Known worldwide "Margarita" is made from an authentic Mexican drink with the addition of lime juice and orange liqueur Cointreau. The edges of the glass, in which a cocktail is served, is decorated with an edge of salt and is supplemented with a lime slice. Ice cubes will not be superfluous.