Breast before and after childbirth

Many girls are convinced that after pregnancy and lactation they will not be able to preserve the natural beauty and elasticity of the bust. In fact, this is not the case with all women who have experienced the joy of motherhood. In some cases, the female breast after pregnancy and childbirth remains exactly the same as before the beginning of this period, and often increases in size and becomes much more seductive.

In this article we will tell you why the breast before and after childbirth is usually mutated, and whether a young mother can remain beautiful and sexually attractive.

What happens to the breast during pregnancy and after childbirth?

During the waiting period of the baby and after childbirth with the female breast the following changes occur:

Due to the increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman, the amount of fat tissue in her breast increases significantly. That is why a girl who is in an "interesting" position, you must carefully monitor your weight, because the increase in body weight during pregnancy by more than 10 kilograms inevitably leads to an increase in breast size before the baby's birth and its sagging after childbirth.

During the preparation for lactation in the blood of a pregnant woman, the concentration of estrogen hormones increases, which leads to a proliferation of glandular tissue in the mammary glands and a corresponding increase in their size.

If the future mother is too weak connective tissue, cells that are not elastic enough, the growth of the breast can lead to rupture of individual fibers and the appearance of ugly stretch marks. A similar situation can be observed in a pregnant woman and under the influence of the hormone cortisol, which begins to be produced in the adrenal cortex in the period of expectation of the baby.

Although the breasts during pregnancy do change in the vast majority of cases, this does not mean that the bust of a young mother after lactation will be ugly and unattractive. In the period of waiting for the baby, a woman should wear a special bra, eat properly and try not to gain too much excess weight.

In addition, it is useful to use traditional and folk remedies designed to prevent stretch marks, take a contrast shower and do pinch massage of the breast area. If these recommendations are observed, the bust in most cases remains as attractive as before delivery.

If you could not keep the beauty of the breast after lactation, and the state of your bust leaves much to be desired, do not worry - today there are many cosmetic and surgical procedures that will help you regain the former size and shape of the breast and become as sexually attractive as before.