Meditation for attracting love

Every single woman dreams of drawing love into her life, and today we will talk about one of the ways to fill this feeling with her life. You will learn about the techniques of meditation aimed at love.

Preparation for meditation of love and tenderness

Before embarking on any of the meditations to attract the energy of love into your life, it is necessary to purify thoughts of any negative energy. You want to have a pure and mutual love in your heart, right? If so, then meditate regularly, at least twice a week.


Before practicing meditation to attract love, it is necessary to vacate the place for it. Insults, fears and anger are often the main reason why a pure feeling passes by the side past your life. Try a purification meditation that will fill the heart with love:

Meditation "the breath of love"

Breath - one of the main components of meditation, because it allows you to tune in to certain frequencies, including love:

This technique allows us not only to attract love into our lives, but also to forgive those whom we condemn, and therefore to accept this world as it is. In addition, you can try meditation breathing called "Meditation unifying love", which you can listen to in a series of hypnosis meditations to attract love.

Meditation "sending love"

Sending love to others is a wonderful way to draw even more of this feeling into your life. You can meditate in this way at any time, for example, walking down the street. Just direct the energy of love to passers-by, repeating "I love you" as a mantra for meditation. This practice allows you to expand the energy of the heart.

Meditation of unconditional love

Unconditional love is a love for all life on earth. To attract this feeling into your life, you just need to send love and rejoice at every moment. Notice the beautiful. And miraculous moments will grow exponentially. In addition, you can apply the meditation of unconditional love:

You may think that the meditations presented are too vague, and they do not meet the specific desire - to find mutual love. However, it is these practices that make it possible to purify the heart and become open to this feeling. And then significant changes in your personal life will not take long.