How to plant strawberries with seeds?

Many of us loved to go to my grandmother's village and go to collect scented strawberries. Someone has become so fond of this fragrant berry that now it is urgent to find an answer to the question, how to grow strawberries in the country and how to plant them, seeds or sprouts? Plant strawberries can be both seeds and seedlings, but to grow strawberries from seeds will be much more interesting, at least, so say the experienced gardeners.

So, what is needed to grow strawberries from seeds, how to sow these seeds and what difficulties await gardeners on this difficult path? The first of these is the choice of seeds. The easiest way is to take the seeds of patchwork small-fruited strawberries, this berry will bear fruit even in winter on the windowsill. But, of course, we want to see a strawberry in our garden, it will be a little more complicated, but the result is worth it. The main thing is getting the seeds to pay attention to the shelf life - the maximum 2 years. And still it is necessary to be kept from temptation to collect seeds from liked strawberries, bought in shop. The berry, grown from such seeds, can significantly differ from the one that you liked. Selecting seeds, you can proceed to planting.

How to plant the seeds of strawberries?

The next question that needs to be addressed when growing strawberry seeds is how these seeds germinate and sow. Before planting, seeds can be soaked in growth stimulants, but it's worth it if the shelf life is running out, in other cases you can get by without this procedure. Next, we turn to the preparation of dishes and land for sowing. Use a better transparent plastic container, because in them the risk of the appearance of the fungus is lower. As for the soil, it is possible to plant strawberry seeds both in pellets of peat and in specially prepared soil - sand, garden soil and humus, in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. But peat pills are more convenient to use. To accelerate the germination of seeds with them, you need to do the following:

  1. Fill the mold with soil so that it remains to the brim about 2 centimeters.
  2. From above we pour snow, tampying it lightly.
  3. We distribute the seeds over the snow.
  4. We put the vessel on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and hold it there for 3 days. At the end of this period, the snow will melt, and the seeds will become deeper.
  5. We put a vessel with seeds, covering it with a film, in a warm and bright place.
  6. While waiting for sprouting, you need to remember to remove excess moisture from the walls of dishes and ventilate the greenhouse for 1-2 minutes a day. If the condensate does not form at all, then the soil can be slightly moistened. The optimum temperature for germination of seeds is 22-25 ° C. The seeds of strawberry are very important lighting, so in winter they need to be lightened for 12-14 hours a day. We remove the film as soon as 2-3 leaves appear (real ones). If mold appeared on the surface of the soil, then it should be removed with cotton wool soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then spilled the soil with antifungal agents. You need to water sprouts carefully, you can from the spoon, so as not to damage the plants.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?

Having dealt with how to plant a strawberry seed, consider what you need to do next to get a delicious berry. To start, the seedlings will need to be transplanted into individual plastic cups. Do this after the appearance of 4 pairs of real leaflets. Seedlings should be warm, so keep the temperature at 20-23 ° C. But it is also necessary to temper the plants, therefore, approximately from April, when the temperature is set to positive, we begin to take out the seedlings in the afternoon to fresh air. First for a short time, and then, before landing, you can go home and do not enter. As soon as spring frosts pass, seedlings can be planted in the soil, at a distance of about 30 centimeters from each other. The soil will fit fertile, but without excess nitrogen, otherwise the harvest will have to wait long. If the rain is not enough, you will need to remember to water the plants. Fruiting strawberries begins 4-5 months after planting. After 2-3 years the bushes grow very large, and they will need to be transplanted.