Flatulence - symptoms

With a slight increase in the amount of gas to be separated, do not panic immediately, because this can only be a manifestation of a dense yesterday's dinner. The main determining factor for establishing an accurate diagnosis of flatulence is the symptoms of pathology, which are difficult to confuse with anything else. This disease has a number of characteristic features and accompanying symptoms.

Diseases of the intestine and flatulence - symptoms

The main list of diseases that accompanies increased formation and release of gases:

Severe flatulence in these diseases is combined with other symptoms, such as stools (diarrhea or constipation), pain syndrome (permanent or paroxysmal), in some cases, fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

It should be noted that the problem under consideration can arise not only against intestinal diseases, but also in liver cirrhosis. The main sign of this ailment is a feeling of heaviness and pain in the right side (in the hypochondrium), a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, especially in the morning, an intoxication of the body.

From flatulence, pregnant women often suffer, especially on late dates. This is due to sudden changes in the hormonal balance in the body of the future mother, as well as the increase in the size of the uterus. The intestine is compressed on one side, which prevents the normal removal of gases, leads to constipation and swelling of the hemorrhoids. As a rule, with the correction of nutrition and after childbirth, such problems cease to bother.

How is it manifested, and how to recognize increased flatulence?

Excess gas formation with increasing concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the intestine is characterized by frequent flatus - gas emissions, arbitrary or not, with an unpleasant, sharp odor. The following signs of flatulence also occur:

In addition, there are system-wide manifestations of the described disease.

Intestinal meteorism - symptoms

Because of the constant discomfort, pain and pronounced divergence of a large number of gases, there are problems of a psychological nature:

In addition, often flatulence is accompanied by a change in the heart rate, pain in the sternum or a burning sensation in the heart. Similar symptoms are associated with a significant impairment of blood circulation in the body, as well as pathology of metabolic processes.

In some cases, increased gas formation causes attacks of sudden increase in pressure, headache and even migraine. Therefore, it is important in time to deal with the normalization of digestion, intestinal work and the correction of the daily diet.