Best Allergy Tablets

Tablets are the most popular medicinal forms for fighting allergies. They are effective for the individual sensitivity of the human body to various substances and are easy to use. But which allergy tablets are the best and help to eliminate the symptoms of all types of allergic reactions?

Anti-allergenic tablets of the first generation

Anti-allergenic drugs of the first generation have unstable and reversible links with histamine receptors, therefore they have rather high dosages. In addition, they require frequent use. Their main advantage is that the effect from them comes very quickly.

The best tablets from the 1st generation allergy are Suprastin and Tavegil . These funds can eliminate such symptoms as:

The active substances in their composition do not accumulate in the circulatory system, so the risk of overdose is minimal. But they have side effects. The patient may experience:

Anti-allergenic tablets of the second generation

If you are looking for the best pills for seasonal and other allergies, pay attention to second-generation antiallergenic drugs. They contain substances that have stronger links with histamine receptors than first-generation drugs, and have virtually no effect on CNS activity. Their distinctive feature is a quick and lasting effect (up to 12 hours).

The list of the best tablets against the 2nd generation allergy includes:

Anti-allergenic tablets of the third generation

If you ask your doctor, which pills are better to use for allergies, most likely, he will recommend you pro-allergenic drugs of the third generation. They have absolutely no effect on the central nervous system and heart, the effect of their administration occurs almost instantaneously and is prolonged (24 or more hours). These drugs are allowed for children and the elderly, as well as those whose daily activities require high concentration.

The best tablets from the allergy of the third generation include drugs: