Flax seeds for bowel cleansing

Purification of the intestines is a demanded procedure among people who watch their weight, adhering to the now popular healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it should not be surprising that a common way was how to apply flax seeds to cleanse the intestines.

The use of purification by flax seeds

The use of this product for the procedure is justified:

  1. Flax seeds are endowed with a mild laxative effect, so the incidence of fecal matter occurs quickly, but does not lead to diarrhea.
  2. The product has the quality of the sorbent. Getting into the digestive tract, small seeds swell, absorbing with moisture toxic substances. As you move through the intestines, the swollen flax seeds like a sponge cleanse its walls of toxins, which activates the villi of the mucous membranes. They after the procedure cope with their work on promoting stools much better.
  3. Flax seeds have anti-inflammatory effect, remove irritation of mucous membranes, enveloping them with a soft film. In addition, their quality allows faster healing of microcracks.
  4. The use of cleaning the intestine from flax seeds with flax seeds is also due to the destruction of helminths, as well as certain types of viruses and fungi.

Application of flax seed for cleansing of the intestine

There are several types of procedure, each of which has some advantages. What is the prescription for cleaning the intestine with flax seeds? To choose:

  1. The easiest method is to take the seeds. During the day, you need to eat 2 tablespoons of seeds. It is not necessary to swallow them in pure form, you can add the product to ready-made dishes, for example, a side dish or a salad. The disadvantages of the procedure include a slight effect.
  2. To increase the efficiency of cleaning, it is recommended to grind the seeds with a coffee grinder. You can store the flour obtained in a clean linen bag or plastic container in a dry and unlit place. Daily eating in the morning hours on an empty stomach 2 tablespoons of flour, you will soon feel a positive result. The main thing is to wash down flour with a large volume of water, so that the product is as swollen as possible.
  3. If there is no desire to swallow a dry mass, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines with flax seeds by preparing the infusion. After rising in the morning from the bed, put the kettle on the fire. Steer a tablespoon of raw material with a mug of boiling water. Before going to bed, you need to drink the infusion and eat the swollen seeds. The procedure is repeated for 3 weeks. Then, necessarily make a break a month long. After this you can repeat the course of cleaning.
  4. Here's another great way to take flax seeds for cleansing the intestines. In a container, mix half a tablespoon of ground coriander seeds and fennel. In the resulting powder add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds. The mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water and aged for half an hour. Prepare this infusion is recommended immediately before taking and eat three times a day on an empty stomach. And it is best to do it 30 minutes before meals or 2.5 hours after it. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of flax seeds

A plant product is capable of causing allergies. Before cleaning, make sure that your body reacts normally to flax seeds. In addition, it is worth remembering that seeds significantly increase the load on the liver. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended dosage in pursuit of a positive effect.

You also need to know that any way to apply flax seeds to cleanse the intestines, if used for a long time, will disrupt the microflora of the organ.