Ceiling design in the hall

Repair is a time-consuming process of transforming space that affects all surfaces of living quarters. An important part is the ceiling, without which the interior will not look finished. Today we will talk about how you can decorate the ceiling in the hall.

A bit of history

Decoration of the ceiling has acquired special significance for the general stylistic solution of the room relatively recently. In the Soviet era, when there was a leveling everywhere, no one thought about what ceiling to make in the hall. Usually it was simply whitewashed or painted, in the center hung a traditional chandelier. In the old houses, stucco molding was often used, including a curb along the perimeter and a relief rope for hanging the luminaire. Today, the views on the design of the ceiling in the hall changed dramatically. Now the ceiling is a full-fledged interior object, which must be original and stylish on a par with walls, floors and furniture.

Types of ceilings

Decorators recommend thinking through the design of the ceiling in the hall individually. The main thing is that the design and the light scenario stylistically coincide with the style of the room. Let's consider the basic variants of modern furnish of ceilings:

  1. Stretch ceilings in the hall, which, perhaps, are the most in demand in the Russian market. Their popularity is due to a huge variety of structural, color and textural solutions and speed of installation. Fabric , glossy or matte ceilings will look good. Canvas can be selected with a single color or with any image. For large areas, a two- or three-level ceiling finish in the hall is better suited. With the help of stretch ceilings, unique designs of undulating or other fanciful shapes are often created, supplementing them with original illumination. Almost every stretch ceiling is accompanied by spotlights, thanks to which the room is filled with light even in the corners. The material for such finishing of ceilings is used both seamless and with presence of imperceptible seams. Advantage of tensioning cloths is their moisture resistance, durability, practicality and beautiful appearance. If earlier they were only available to rich people, now because of the rapid development of the building materials market, there are a lot of economical and budgetary options.
  2. Suspended ceilings in the hall are complex constructions made of plasterboard. With this inexpensive material, you can create on the ceiling of any shape, starting with simple geometric shapes, and ending with the most complex multi-level elements, curved steps and smooth lines. Such ceilings look luxurious and exquisite, while surprisingly reliable. Gypsum plasterboard ceilings in the hall are a surface fixed on a metal base, inside of which it is possible to hide wiring, ventilation pipes and other communications. Finishing is to paste special ceiling wallpaper, which is painted in the right color. In gypsum cardboard it is possible to make holes for any kinds of fixtures, having previously discussed the light design of the room with the workers. You can combine scattered and directed light, select pictures or other elements on the walls. Suspended ceilings make it necessary to create complex shapes.
  3. Double ceilings for the hall - a combination of suspended and stretched ceiling. If you decide to apply this finish, you'll have to start by fixing the plasterboard structure of the two-level ceiling . Most often these are rectangular zones along the walls or a relief line along the perimeter.