The Viper's Bite

The Viper is the most common poisonous snake in the middle belt of Europe and Asia. So there is always a risk, albeit small, to face it when resting in nature. In general, vipers are sufficiently peaceful and when they approach a person they try to crawl away. Bite an adder in the event that it occurs, grab with his hands, or otherwise provoke aggressive actions.

Symptoms of a viper bite

The closer the place of a viper bite to the head, the more dangerous it is, but, as a rule, the goal is the hands or feet.

At the site of the bite there are two point wounds, traces of teeth, the blood in which it is quickly baked and the bleeding ceases. Local reaction develops almost immediately:

The general reaction usually comes in 15-20 minutes after the bite. The victim may feel nausea, chills, fever. There are dizziness and headaches, sometimes rapid heart rate and difficulty breathing. The confusion for those who have suffered from a viper bite is not typical, but in some cases a person may look hampered and remind a drunk.

What to do with a viper bite?

Timely and correctly rendered first aid with a viper bite is the key to the further condition of the victim:

  1. It is necessary to provide the victim complete peace, since movement promotes a more rapid spread of the poison.
  2. It is necessary to try to remove the maximum amount of poison. To do this, you can squeeze or suck it. Do this only in the first 5-7 minutes after the bite, before the edema develops. After that, any attempts to remove the poison are useless. Suck off poison only if you are sure that there are no sores and microcracks in your mouth.
  3. After removing the poison, the wound should be disinfected and covered with a bandage, which is weakened as the edema develops. After that, the victim should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible in order to receive qualified medical care.
  4. The sufferer may be given a tablet of Suprastin or another antiallergic agent.
  5. When biting a viper it is necessary to drink a lot, in small portions, but often, it is best to have a weak tea with honey or sugar or juice. Coffee and other stimulating drinks should not be consumed.
  6. In no case can you pull the limb higher than the bite, this will not only prevent the spread of poison, but on the contrary, it can provoke tissue necrosis. Also, you can not burn a fresh bite with iodine, inject manganese or other substances into the wound.

Antidote for the viper bite

There are a number of serums that are used for viper bites. The most common of them are "Antigurza" and "Antigadyuka", which are usually supplied to hospitals and paramedic centers. However, such serums require special storage conditions, and just so you can not buy them and you will not take them on a trip. In addition, whey, used from the bites of vipers and other venomous snakes, are usually strong allergens, and therefore it is desirable to administer them only under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment of a viper bite in a hospital

Hospitalized after a viper bite, patients, in addition to serum administration, are often treated with anticoagulants (blood thinners), and if necessary, injected anesthetics, means for maintaining cardiac activity, saline solution to accelerate the excretion of poison from the body.

In most cases, the viper bite does not require complicated medication, and the patient is detained in the hospital for 2-3 days to monitor his condition.

Although for an adult healthy person the viper bite is not too dangerous and, as a rule, passes without consequences, untimely or incorrect rendering of help can lead to serious complications, up to the development of chronic kidney failure .