What pot is needed for the ficus?

As you know, Ficus is one of the most effective plants for home and office. But he is rather capricious and the wrong place or watering regime will almost certainly affect the condition of the flower, he can get sick . A pot for a fig tree also has a value and directly affects the growth rate.

How to pick up a pot for a fig tree?

For young plants standard pots are quite suitable, but adults need large tubs of a few dozen liters. Select the capacity is based on the shape, size and type of plant.

  1. What shape do you need a pot for a fig tree? For most representatives of this species, the standard model, whose height is approximately equal to the diameter, is quite appropriate. For example, this pot is suitable for Benjamin ficus . The exception is only those plants that are grown in bonsai technique. Then you need to pick up flat pots or bowls with a height of the sides not more than 10 cm. In this case, for the Benjamin ficus, you need a pot in the form of a bowl or a container, preferably of clay and without a glossy coating.
  2. The size of the pot for ficus is selected depending on the development and size of the root system. Ideally, the tank should have a good drainage hole, from the roots to the walls of the pot should be at least 2 cm. The new pot should be only 2-3 cm wider than the old one. If you pick up too much capacity, it can lead to root decay or even plant death. And some species in general are contraindicated.
  3. What kind of pot is needed for ficus in terms of material? Here everything is simple. For this plant, a plastic, clay or ceramic container is quite suitable. Condition one: the plant should not be exposed to chemical attack from the material side. The ideal pot for ficus is not older than one year - from clay without cover, for an older plant, a tub of wood or plastic is quite suitable.