Stamp raspberry

It is difficult to surprise an ordinary raspberry on a site, even if it gives a huge crop of unusual taste. But the ruby ​​raspberry, which looks impressive, can become a real decoration and even your pride. It is also called a raspberry tree for the similarity with this representative of the flora. And in fact, shrubs with a thick erect barrel up to 1.5-2 m in height resemble a tree on the branches of which large elongated berries weighing up to 10 g develop.

Stamp raspberry varieties

Today, the assortment of assorted raspberry is quite wide. If prickly thorns are a terrible discomfort for you, plant a piece of raspberry "Arbat", whose shoots are not completely pricked. And the Tarusa shredded raspberry still does not need annual pruning. And thus the size of berries more than large - to 16 g! If you prefer repair varieties, pay attention to "Indian Summer", which pleases sweet berries from the end of June and until October. If you want to plant a truly amazing variety, purchase the "Golden Giant", which fructifies with large amber berries. Gardeners give excellent reviews about the newest foreign raspberry variety of Canadian stamping with very large fruits (up to 18 g), yields up to 10-12 kg from the bush and excellent frost resistance.

Basics of growing raspberry raspberries

Stamp raspberry, characterized by spreading, requires much more space when planting than ordinary varieties. The distance between bushes should reach at least 70 cm, between rows - at least half a meter. The site itself should be sunny with fertile and loose soil. Planting of raspberry can be practiced both in early spring and in autumn. When planting, the bush is placed at an angle of thirty degrees and so it is buried. This is necessary for the young stems to develop and grow without difficulty.

In the future, care for the raspberry must include mandatory watering and loosening of the soil, as well as the removal of weeds. These are general recommendations for care. If we talk about the features, the most important aspect in growing is considered pruning, which allows the formation of a raspberry blossom in a beautiful thick crown. It is produced in early spring, cutting off annual shoots, as a result, you will increase the number of lateral shoots. It is on the latter that a long-awaited harvest will appear.

Despite the fact that most of the varieties of raspberry raspberries are frost-resistant, it is recommended to organize hiding places in regions with severe winter.