Vriesia splices

Vriesia splenriet is an exotic tropical flower that belongs to bromeliads. Among its family is considered the most thermophilic plant. And this is not surprising, because his homeland is South America. To enjoy the view of this amazing plant at home, you need to know exactly how to care for the flower Vriesia.

Care for Vriesia splices

Care for a flower requires certain knowledge both in terms of temperature and in many other respects:

  1. The temperature of the air in the room where the plant is grown must be no less than eighteen, but not more than twenty-five degrees Celsius. It is advisable that within a year the temperature should be approximately one level.
  2. Illuminance should not be very intense. It is better to save the plant from direct sunlight and place it in the penumbra.
  3. Watering varies depending on the season: in spring and summer it should be abundant, and in the autumn-winter period - moderate. In addition, the plant needs to be sprayed daily, as it is extremely hygrophilous.
  4. The soil for Vriesia needs a loose and must consist of garden soil, peat and sphagnum moss in equal proportions. The bottom drainage layer is not less than a third of the pot.
  5. Top dressing is best done in spring or summer, twice and with the addition of fertilizer for flowers .
  6. Plant transplantation is necessary when separating daughter outlets that are used for reproduction.
  7. Reproduction of Vriesia is carried out by transplanting separated daughter outlets into pots to grow, while the mother socket dies with the passage of time.

Blossoms vreezia from February to April or from May to July. At the same time, the flower produces a flower spike, the length of which sometimes reaches 50 cm. On this elongated peduncle, in the tile order, there are the color leaves. Blossoms Vriesia a few months, and some hybrid species - all year round.