Armeria - landing and care

The flower of armeria is one of the most beautiful and delicate flowers in the garden, which can delight the eye for more than one year. It is a shrub with long leaves and beautiful buds of flowers gathered in one rosette. Armeria will look amazing if it is planted separately by bushes, for example in rockeries . In the world there are more than 50 species of this color, such as, for example, Alpine armory, prickly and turf. Armeria came to us from the regions of North Africa and Europe.

Armeria - growing from seeds

Many landladies and gardeners prefer not to buy armeria already finished flower or seedlings, and grow it by themselves, starting from seeding in seeds. There are complexities and moments that you need to know before starting to grow this plant.

It must be remembered that it is better to grow armenia in late winter or early spring. At this time of year, it is necessary to plant the flower seeds in wooden or plastic containers. And to keep armeria is best in a warm dry place, or to land immediately in a greenhouse, where the temperature reaches 15-21 degrees. After the seedlings have sprouted a little, you need to wrap them with film or gauze, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. And only then you can plant prepared sprouts in the soil on the garden, dacha. Blossoms armeria is usually in the second year. The beginning of flowering in this flower is May, and it lasts about 17 days.

Reproduction of armeria can be carried out by seeds or by dividing a bush. The bushes are divided in spring or early autumn, put in water and sprouts are expected, and then planted in the ground. Each bush is best divided into several small parts that quickly and easily take root.

Caring for the armies

To armery has pleased you with beauty for many years, you need to know how to properly look after it.

Armeria is a unpretentious flower. The only thing that it can suffer greatly from is excessive watering and excess fertilizer . In this case, the plant will simply begin to wither, which will lead to a decrease in the number of flowers.

It is best to grow this plant in sunny and dry places. It is very fond of water, so the land must necessarily be loose and moist. Armeria pretty well tolerates drought and frost until -15. But nevertheless, do not forget that on hot days, you need to water the plant abundantly, otherwise it will dry out.

This plant is very fond of the bright light, so it is desirable to plant the armeria in the lighted areas, so that the plant grows healthy and strong.

For armeria, the soil is suitable - loam soil, and it is better if it is already drained. If the armors are secured abundant watering, then you can try to land it in peat soil.

Care for her may include fertilizing the plant with various fertilizers throughout the season and in winter. With sickness and pests, armeria suffers quite seldom and therefore you should not have any problems with it.

If you dream of growing such a beauty in your garden, then the question of "how to grow the army" will inevitably arise. And as we have already seen, it is not difficult to do this if there is a great desire and a little free time. After all, the cultivation of colorful and colorful armery in your garden animates any landscape, perfectly combined with other garden plants. The flower of an armory will please you and your family for a long time with its bright and delicate buds.

Armeria is very beautiful and exquisite looks in the creation of bouquets in a cut. For this, it is recommended to cut flowers when they have fully opened their buds. You can dry the army and make them winter bouquets.