Spinach Uteusz

Fans of early green products to their table probably know the spinach Uteusha. This plant is especially popular with those who keep large and small domestic animals at their farmstead. After all, this plant has a truly unusual composition - it is rich in proteins and proteins, and in very large quantities, but it is necessary for living creatures.

This hybrid, came from crossing spinach and sorrel thanks to the Ukrainian scientist Yu.A. Uteushu. The plant is suitable at the beginning of its growing season for both humans and small inhabitants of the farmstead - chickens, geese, ducks and rabbits. Thanks to the valuable nutrients that are contained in spinach, the egg-laying rate of hens increases.

Spinach Uteusha has in addition to its nutritional qualities another unique ability - to grow literally in front of eyes, like bamboo, though not reaching its height. In summer, when fertilized soil ( ammonium nitrate is sufficient), the plant rises to a height of two meters. This feature is well suited for those who hold cattle and are breeding pigs.

For the summer season, it is possible to mow twice the spinach crops and zasolosovat them for the winter for animals. Sensitive housewives have time to make blanks until the spinach is coarse, because it is suitable for cooking green borscht, soups , for making salads.

It is very useful for adults and children in the winter with a shortage of vitamins. To add it to food in the cold season, spinach is frozen, and after doing with it vegetables and casseroles.

Growing Spinach Uteusz

In order to get a green crop early in the spring, seeds of spinach Uteusz are sown in October. Sealing in the ground is carried out to a depth of up to two centimeters, after which the site should be fenced.

Spinach Uteusha is good at tolerating frosts and hot sun, but it will show itself best if it is watered regularly. Culture is a long-term one, and it can grow up to 18 years in one place. So, once you sow seed material on the plot, you will be provided with valuable and useful protein complex for many years.

Spinach Uteusha is superior in nutritional qualities to all known green fodders that are grown for private or farming. If you add it to the feed of pigs, sheep and calves at least in the amount of 25% of the total diet, then the increase in live weight is very active, just as spinach itself grows, and cow's milk rises to 5%.