Seasoning for borsch - 9 best recipes

Prepared properly for a borscht dressing will make the hot tasteful to taste, fragrant and saturated. The additive to the first dish can be made in different composition, having prepared it for future use and thereby greatly simplifying the cooking of the dinner all year round.

How to prepare a filling for borscht?

If you do not know what is included in the borsch refueling, and have no idea how to prepare it, check out the selection and recommendations below. Having mastered the subtleties of creating the correct basis of hot, success in cooking dinner will be provided to you.

  1. Classical dressing for borsch can be prepared from beets, carrots, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.
  2. As additional components use fresh or sauerkraut, beans, greens, peppers, garlic and other relevant ingredients.
  3. For billets for future use, the mass is well boiled, rolled into cans and cooled in a wrapped form. Often for preserving properties in the composition of the dressing, vinegar or citric acid is introduced.

Dressing for beetroot soup

Beetroot for borscht cooked according to this recipe is perfectly preserved even under room conditions, without requiring special conditions. The balanced composition of the mixture will allow for a few minutes to decorate a delicious dinner, adding a dish only cabbage and potatoes and putting a few spoons of billet.



  1. In the kazan in oil fry the onion cubes and carrots.
  2. Pour water, lay the beet sliced, allow the contents for 15 minutes.
  3. Add shredded pepper pulp and shredded tomatoes, peeling them from the skin.
  4. Season the vegetables with salt, sugar, vinegar, braise for 10 minutes, stir greens and continue cooking as much as.
  5. At the end, the filling for borsch is packaged in a sterile container and wrapped until cooled.

Dressing for borsch with cabbage

Even more simplifies the brewing of the first for dinner dressing for beetroot from beet with cabbage. Portion of such a dressing and a few potatoes cooked in broth - and a delicious hot dinner on your table will appetishly entice household members to a meal. The proportions of vegetables can be adjusted, guided by their taste preferences.



  1. Onions are fried onions with carrots.
  2. Add the Bulgarian and hot peppers, cabbage, twisted tomatoes to mash.
  3. Season the mass, boil for 20 minutes, add the vinegar and after 5 minutes pack on sterile vessels.
  4. Sealed with hermetic filling with cabbage for borsch should completely cool in a wrapped form.

Dressing for cold borsch

Dressing for borscht, the recipe of which will be described next, is suitable for decorating a variation of a dish, which is often served cold. Such an addition of boiled eggs and sour cream is not accepted for harvesting, it is made immediately before the supply of already-present and chilled foods.



  1. Eggs are boiled, cut into cubes.
  2. Finely shred washed and dried greens, mix it with sour cream and eggs.
  3. The finished filling for cold borsch is fed to the table in a separate container.

Dressing for borsch with sauerkraut

Delicious dressing for borsch with sauerkraut can be made just before cooking hot or prepared for the winter for future use. In the latter case, the vegetable mass is spread over clean cans, sterilized depending on the volume of the vessels 10-20 minutes and rolled up with sterilized lids.



  1. Fry onion with carrots.
  2. Add the washed and squeezed cabbage, sliced ​​beets, allow the contents of 10 minutes.
  3. Season the mass to taste, add the vinegar, warm up a minute.
  4. Use gas station for the intended purpose or can be stored for future use.

Moldovan filling for borsch

Domestic dressing for borscht, cooked according to the Moldovan recipe, will allow you to get surprisingly saturated hot with a pronounced sourness. The classic composition of a vegetable mixture of onions and carrots in this case is supplemented with a root of parsley, leek and baked in the oven beetroot root.



  1. Beets are baked until soft in a oven heated to 180 degrees, cleaned, crushed.
  2. Mix the beet mass with the vinegar, add a little water and other sliced ​​vegetables.
  3. Season the dressing and let it sit under the lid for 20 minutes.
  4. Prepack the hot vegetable mass on sterile containers, seal and wrap until cooled.

Dressing for borsch with beans

Next, you will learn how to make a dressing for borsch from all the necessary vegetables with the addition of beans. The resulting base will in fact be canned first dish. It will need to be simply diluted with broth or boiled water with boiled potatoes, seasoned to taste and heated to a boil.



  1. The bean steeped for 12 hours is boiled for 40 minutes.
  2. Onions are fried onions with carrots.
  3. Add beets, shredded and mashed potatoes with cabbage, beans, twisted tomatoes and seasonings, extinguish for 45 minutes.
  4. At the end of cooking vinegar is added, the substance is packaged in a sterile container, sealed, cooled in a wrapped form.

Dressing for borscht for the winter - recipe

Dressing for borscht, canned according to the following recipe, will please the supporters of piquant variations of hot with ostrinka. In the recipe there is an impressive portion of hot pepper and garlic, thanks to which the mass acquires a characteristic taste and aroma and there is no vinegar, which for many is an advantage.



  1. Sliced ​​carrots, onions, beets and sweet peppers are mixed with twisted tomatoes and put on a stove.
  2. Add salt, sugar, oil and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Place crushed garlic and hot pepper, warm for 3 minutes.
  4. The finished tomato dressing for borsch is sealed in a sterile container for storage.

Dressing for green borscht for the winter

If the dressing for borscht from beets and carrots you already waiting for your fate on the shelf, then it's time to stock yourself with a mixture for cooking hot from greens. Often use a mix of sorrel, nettle, green onions and stems of garlic. Will not be superfluous in the composition of tomatoes, Bulgarian and hot peppers, a variety of greens.



  1. Greens are cut or chopped in a blender with the addition of tomatoes.
  2. Sediment the contents, put them in a suitable dish.
  3. The green dressing for borsch without beet will perfectly retain its properties in the freezer or on the shelf of the refrigerator. In the latter case, you need to add a little more salt.

Frozen storage for borsch

Further on how to make refueling for borscht to store it in a frozen form. If the volume of your freezer allows you to make similar blanks, then take advantage of the opportunity and ensure yourself the opportunity to enjoy a quick and useful lunch, cooked from summer healthy vegetables.



  1. All components are ground in the desired way, mixed together.
  2. Pack the mixture in portions or containers and send it to the freezer.